The date of the measurement is shown. Either the date value and the date
format may be change in advance in the menu Set up mode.
The time of the measurement is shown. Either the time value and the date
format may be change in advance in the menu Set up mode.
Cut Off
If a cut of method is chosen, the value will be presented.
Depending whether the measured value is below or above the chosen cut off,
the result will be PASS or FAIL.
The calculated result of the measurement is shown independent of the
chosen method (Cut off or quantitative).
Batch No.
The batch number as been actualized is presented. Please note, that the
batch number of the strips as labelled on the envelopes is shown. This is
different from the batch of the whole kit.
Run No.
In contrast to the record no., the run number counts continuously and may not
be erased.
Serial No.
This number of the device is also labelled on the bottom side of the RIDA
Due to a putative dusty environment, the calibration should be checked all
500 test within the calibration menu. If the test of the calibration is confirmed,
the device declares the calibration status as OK.
3.5 Check of the Calibration of the reader (CALIBRATION MODE)
QUICK SCAN is a highly developed measuring system. To ensure the high quality
of the measurement results at all times it is important that you check the calibration of the
reader at regular intervals. This is a simple process which the reader asks you to perform
automatically after a certain number of measurements (500) or a defined time (6 months).
For check of calibration all you need is a colour standard, which is used like a normal test
cassette. The reader set includes a standard.
The colour standard is included with the measuring
systems and should be stored in a dry, safe place. The
surface of the standard is very sensitive and may not
be cleaned with cloths or solid objects. No liquid should
come into contact with the standard. This could change
the reflective properties of the surface, which could
lead to incorrect or invalid calibration.
Before every normal measurement of a RIDA
QUICK test a check is made to ensure that the
calibration is still valid. When ten remaining measurements still remain the reader informs you
that calibration is due. During this time you can start manual calibration via the "Calibration
Mode" page. The device will guide you through the process (figure 15).
If the maximum allowed number of measurements within a calibration cycle is reached, the
reader asks you to perform calibration test before you start a normal measurement. The
process is identical to manual calibration test.