10. Start of operation
If the MINI-STOP has been stored at a temperature of <+5°C, then a working temperature of between
+5°C and +40°C must first be obtained.
The equipment must be dry.
Before work with the machine can be started, make sure to perform the following:
a) Control the direction of rotation and the reference position of the needle bar
b) Control the needle positions
c) Control the maximum speed
10.1 Control of the direction of rotation and of the reference position
from the needle bar (needle position NPO)
a) Activate programming level B (technician level) (see section „programming level B“)
b) Set parameter 700
c) Actuate treadle briefly forward:
Reaction: The machine performs a full revolution and then positions in a random position.
d) Is the direction of rotation correct?
When yes, then proceed to adjust the reference position, proceed with e) below
If no, then activate parameter 800 and change the value <800> (I
II or II
I) than proceed as b)
e) Turn the handwheel of the machine in the direction of rotation until the point of the needle coming
from up to down touches the level of the throat plate (= reference position).
When doing this it is important that parameter <701> = I.
f) Actuate the treadle briefly forward:
Reaction: The machine performs one revolution and positions in the same position that had been
previously obtained by hand.
g) As soon as new parameter numbers are activated, or the programming level B is negated, then the
parameter value <700> is memorized and the reference position adjustment is completed.
10.2 Control of the needle positions NP1/NP2/NP3/NP9
NP1 - needle down position (<702>)
NP2 - thread take up lever in the up position (<703>)
NP3 - needle up (<710>)
NP9 - thread tension release / thread catcher start (<707>)
a) Activate programming level B (technician level) (see section „programming level B“)
b) Activate parameter 702
c) Actuate the treadle briefly forward
Reaction: The machine performs a revolution and then positions at the programmed <702>.
d) Is the needle position correct?
When yes, then proceed as with g) below.
When no, then the position must be changed
by turning the hand wheel (when <701> = I) or
via key L+ or L- (when <701> = II)
e) Actuate the treadle briefly forward
Reaction: The machine performs a revolution and positions in the same position.
f) The position can again be corrected.
When no further correction is needed, then proceed as with g) below.
g) As soon as another parameter number is called up, e.g. example 703, the previously programmed
value of <702> is memorized.
h) With parameter 703 and 710 correction is obtained as described above for parameter 702.
i) Deactivate programming level B (see section „programming level B“).