Generation Dual Channel
Compact RDMS
Telemetry Receiver-Combiner
Quasonix, Inc.
Users trying to access one of the browser screens, such as Configure, that was recently visited by another computer
receive a Page Access Error message, as shown in Figure 153. The message provides a link to the Page Access
Management screen so the user may review and release control as needed.
Figure 153: Page Access Error Message
Export Configuration, shown in Figure 154, and Import Configuration provide a way for users to save and retrieve
RDMS receiver settings and information. This functionality may be useful to provide a record of settings used
during test missions, as a way to quickly switch between receiver setups, or as a way to backup the receiver settings.
The files are saved locally, based on the browser’s default settings, often the Downloads folder. These files may be
moved or renamed as needed. Note, modifying the contents of the files is not recommended.
While in the Export Page, the user is able to select Current Receiver Settings, Saved Presets, and System
Information by clicking on the check box associated with each option.
The Export Configuration button activates the download of the selected items into a single JSON type file that may
be imported and read by the same, or other, RDMS Receivers.
Figure 154: Export Configuration Screen