January 2024
Reconfiguring an AN-X from an Unknown State
It sometimes happens that an AN-X has been previously configured with an IP address that
causes it to be inaccessible on the current Ethernet network or the IP address is unknown.
In most cases, the Prosoft Discovery Service will be able to find the AN-X3 module, even if its
IP address is not accessable on the computer’s subnet.
If not, remove the microSD card and edit the Config.txt file. See pg 16.
Non-Booting AN-X3 or Factory Reinitialize
If the AN-X3 microSD becomes corrupted and the AN-X3 will no longer boot, or if you want to
reinitialize the AN-X3 to factory state:
Download the appropriate factory image file from the QTS web site.
qtsusa.com/dist/AN-X3 (AN-X3-GENI-uSD.v4.01.01.img.zip for example).
WARNING: This process will erase all AN-X3 configuration files.
If possible, make copies of any configuration files on the microSD you need to preserve before
initializing it.
There are many ways to Flash .img.zip files to the microSD. We recommend Balena Etcher. It's
free and seems to work very well.
This factory image will have the LOCAL IP address.
The individual microSD files are available on qtsusa.com/dist/AN-X3 in the appropriate
uSD_Files directory.