USKI-5 Universal Sequencer & Keying Interface
© Copyright 2015 QSK, llc
Page 9
, download and install the Editor 6
(use AXEpad for Mac or Linux). Then download the desired USKI-5 program located
at the bottom of the webpage
. The downloaded USKI-5
programs files have .doc extensions and must be converted to .bas files so that they will be
recognized by PICAXE® Editor 6. This is easily done by opening the downloaded file in
WordPad (in Windows Explorer right click on the downloaded file and
select “Open with” and
“WordPad”). Select “File”, “Save As” and add the extension “.bas” to the file name as
indicated below and then select “Save”. The file will be saved with the proper extension.
Connect the sequencer to the computer with the USB cable. The computer should recognize
that new hardware is connected and begin “Installing Device Driver Software”. Installation may
take several minutes. When driver installation is complete, connect power to the sequencer.
Launch the PICAXE®
Editor software. In the “Workspace Explorer” window, set the PICAXE®
Type to PICAXE-14M2. Under
“COM port”, click on “Refresh COM ports”. In the dropdown
window, the COM port for the USKI-
5 should be listed as a “COM# USB Serial Port”. Note all
the COM port numbers listed. If the one for the USKI-5 is not known, unplug the USKI-5 USB
References in this document are for the Windows version of the PICAXE© Editor 6 programming software.