GA5000 Gas Analyzer
Anemometer cleaning instructions:
General handling tips:
Protect the probes against severe vibration.
Do not kink the connector cable (risk of cable breakage).
Never allow hard objects to contact rotating impellers.
Always carry out probe cleaning according to the cleaning instructions.
Never immerse probes in solvent.
Never blow probes through with compressed air.
Allow hot probes to cool slowly, never cool by plunging them in cold water etc.
Cleaning instructions:
Instrument and probe must be switched off or disconnected prior to cleaning.
Vane probes:
As the probes are highly sensitive measuring instruments, they must be cleaned with
great care.
Fibres or other foreign bodies can be carefully removed with fine tweezers. When
doing so, take care not to bend or otherwise damage the vanes or the spindle.
The adjustment of the bearing screws must never be changed. This can result in an
erroneous measurement.
Never allow hard objects to contact rotating impellers.
Cleaning agents that extract the plasticizer from the plastic are never to be used for
plastic probes (practically all solvents).
Cleaning the probes – best practice:
Note: Use soapy water.
Cleaning example:
Carefully, swish the top part of the impeller back and forth in clean soapy water for
approximately 10 minutes. If soapy water is used as a cleaning agent it is advisable
to wash out the soap solution thoroughly with distilled water.
After cleaning the probe, rub it dry with a clean, dry cloth.
8.8 How to use an H2S filter (optional)
Cross gas effects on chemical cells
Measurements of CO are important in landfill management. The GA5000 analyzer
incorporates an improved CO measurement.
Measurements of CO can be affected by two other gases that can be found in landfill gas
– hydrogen and hydrogen sulphide.
To reduce the effect of hydrogen, the GA5000 analyzer uses a technique that is hydrogen
compensated. Hydrogen compensation is achievable up to a level of around 2000ppm.
Above this level the CO reading will not be compensated for.
In order to assist the operator the GA5000 instrument also indicates the level of
hydrogen present as low, medium or high. If a high hydrogen reading is present then the
CO reading may be affected.