GA5000 Gas Analyzer
Key 3 – ID Questions
This action enables the operator to update ID
questions specific to sample points prior to taking a
Key 4 – Flow
This action enables the operator to measure
internal flow first when taking a reading. Connect
the blue hose to the sample point. The yellow hose
can be vented a safe distance from the sample
point or re-circulated back into the system. Select
either soft-key ‘Zero Flow’,’ Flow Options’ or ‘Start’
to commence internal flow. Select soft-key ‘Store’
to store and record the reading.
Key 5 – Enter Temperature
This action enables the operator to manually enter
a temperature reading if not using a temperature
probe prior to taking a gas measurement.
Key 6 – Start Logging
This action enables the operator to leave the
analyser unattended to take samples at a
predetermined time. The reading interval and pump
run times may be edited prior to commencing the
logging cycle.
8.4.1 Configuration of the data logging option
Connect the blue hose to the sample point. The yellow exhaust hose can be vented a
safe distance from the sample point; do NOT re-circulate back into the system.
By selecting ‘Next ID’ the operator can select the ID which is being sampled at
Once the ID has been chosen the analyzer will commence & complete its clean air
purge cycle.
To gain access to the data logging option the operator will be required to select the
’Special Action’ key to obtain the special user options. The data logging option can
then be selected via ‘Key 6’ to configure the logging parameters.
Once the operator has confirmed the logging parameters, select soft-key ‘Start
Once the logging function has been activated the analyzer will carry out a 30 second
warm-up (displayed below the temperature read out at the right of the main gas read