| Conveyor Chains —
Replacement of Worn Slide Rails
| 29
Replacing Slide Rails
It is very important to the assemble slide rail correctly to ensure smooth system operation.
Follow the illustrated instructions on the following pages carefully. Observe the following points:
1. Slide rail cutter – single cut pliers are suitable tools for cutting the slide rails.
2. Use slide rail mounting tools.
3. Use drill fixture.
4. Use a high quality drill bit to avoid forming a shoulder, preferably one which is intended for drilling aluminium.
Fitting Slide Rails
1. The joints on the slide rails must have a distance of 10mm between them.
2. Joints may not be positioned in bends, or in the transition between two sections of beams.
3. The slide rails should normally be approximately 5m long on a straight conveyor beam. In a bend, the maximum length of slide
rail should be 3m.
4. The joints should be positioned a minimum of 500mm before an idler end unit, drive unit or vertical bend. The slide rail must
overlap the recess in the idler end and drive unit.
5. The inner slide rail after a wheel bend must be cut so that the cut surface is parallel to the wheel. In front of the wheel bend, the
slide rail will normally be cut at 45°.
Note: Check final slide rails visually, as well as running a section of conveyor chain through the installation area.
Replacement of Worn Slide Rails