Different training methods are used. If training is done according to the repetition method,
several series of exercises are performed with appropriate breaks.
The load intensity is based on the load capacity of the individual indications, the rehabilitation
phase and the treatment goal. For example, in order to adapt and accustom the injured structure
(connective tissue, cartilage, tendons, ligaments and joint capsule), the focus can be on weight
bearing with low training intensity before the training of special strength skills, such as strength
endurance or maximum strength, begins with increasing intensity.
In order to be able to reproduce the training positions made by a therapist/trainer during a later,
possibly independent training, all adjustment devices are provided with scales and numbered
alphabetically (A, B, C, ...).
With all devices there is the possibility to stabilize the patient/clients optimally during the
Risk of injury. Keep a safety distance of at least 60 centimeters from moving parts.