Command Line Interface
Tsunami MP-8100 Reference Manual
For dynamic row creation, you have to set the entry status first and then other elements followed by setting the
entry status again.
Always set the index value to 0 for creating a new dynamic row. Modification of a Table Entry
To modify a table entry, you have to mention the Index number.
System Name (config-mon-syslog-hosttbl)#rowedit 1 ipaddress Deletion of a Table Entry
To delete a table entry, you have to mention the index number.
Entry status of the row needed to be destroyed is set to destroy.
System Name(config-mon-syslog-hosttbl)#rowedit 5 entry-status destroy
1.3 Accessing the Device through CLI
You can use the following methods to access the CLI of the unit:
1.3.1 Log into the Device using HyperTerminal
1. Open the terminal emulation program (like HyperTerminal) and set the following connection properties:
Com Port: <COM1, COM2, etc., depending on your computer>
Baud rate: 115200
Data Bits: 8
Stop bits: 1
Flow Control: None
Parity: None
2. Under
File > Properties > Settings > ASCII Setup
, enable the
Send line ends with line feeds
HyperTerminal sends a line return at the end of each line of code.
3. Enter the CLI password (default username is
is public).
1.3.2 Log into the Device using Telnet/SSH
To log into the device using Telnet
1. Confirm that your computer’s IP address is in the same IP subnet as the device.
2. Go to the DOS command prompt on your computer.
3. Type telnet <IP Address of the unit>.
4. Enter the CLI’s default username and password, (default username is
and password is