Chapter 1
Thank you for choosing Proxim’s Harmony 802.11a Access Point, a member of
Proxim’s Harmony wireless infrastructure family. The Harmony 802.11a Access Point
complies with the IEEE 802.11a wireless standard to provide mobile clients with
network connectivity at high speed data rates of up to 54 Mbps (up to 108 Mbps in
The Harmony 802.11a Access Point is used on its own or in conjunction with a
Harmony Access Point Controller. An independent, stand-alone Harmony 802.11a
Access Point connects to an Ethernet network to provide wireless access for mobile
clients. When used in conjunction with a Harmony Access Point Controller, the
Harmony 802.11a Access Point is part of a wireless networking solution that supports
all current and future wireless network standards including IEEE 802.11a, IEEE
802.11b, and OpenAir simultaneously within a single, homogeneous architecture. A
Harmony System, which includes Access Point Controllers and Access Points, provides
centralized management, configuration, and security for a wireless network.
Proxim is the pioneer in wireless broadband networking. Proxim’s unmatched
expertise in radio networking technology, combined with the company’s extensive
experience serving the communication needs of the mobile computing user, have
kept Proxim at the forefront of the wireless LAN market.
*2X mode not available in Europe, Japan, or Singapore.