PTBurn
Page
of
©
Primera
Technology,
Inc.
Primera
is
a
registered
trademark
and
Bravo
is
a
trademark
of
Primera
Technology,
Inc.
All
other
trademarks
are
the
property
of
their
respective
companies.
Where
SessionX
is
optional
and
is
used
only
if
requesting
a
multi
‐
session
disc
(a
maximum
of
sessions
are
allowed
at
this
time).
The
value
is
an
integer
value
(1
or
2)
that
tells
PTBurn
for
which
session
to
burn
this
image.
If
SessionX
is
not
given
then
it
will
be
burned
into
the
first
(and
only)
session.
e.g.
ImageFile
=
c:\MyImage.ISO,
Session1
(This
tells
PTBurn
to
burn
the
disc
image
MyImage.ISO
to
session
on
the
disc.
In
this
example,
there
may
be
Data=
or
AudioFile=
entries
for
Session
2).
The
only
way
this
key
can
be
used
with
the
Data
keys
or
the
AudioFile
keys
is
if
the
multi
‐
session
SessionX
value
is
used.
ImageFile
must
not
be
used
with
Data
or
AudioFile
keys
with
the
same
session
value.
2.1.7
DeleteFiles
This
specifies
if
the
files/folders/image
for
this
particular
job,
should
be
deleted
after
the
job
is
completed.
Possible
values:
The
default
value
if
this
key
is
not
given
is
In
order
for
the
files/folders
to
be
deleted
they
must
reside
within
a
subfolder
of
the
Shared
Job
Folder.
Everything
within
the
first
subfolder
under
the
Shared
Job
Folder
(including
the
subfolder)
will
be
deleted.
If
DeleteFiles
is
set
to
the
job
data
and
files
will
be
deleted
upon
the
job
completing
(Pass,
Fail,
or
Abort).
The
job
request
file
(now
with
a
.don
or
.err
extension)
will
not
be
deleted
immediately.
The
deletion
of
this
file
will
occur
when
the
time
set
in
(Status_Time)
has
expired
after
job
completion.
2.1.8
ImageType
This
specifies
the
mode
(block
length)
to
use
when
burning
the
ImageFile
disc
image.
The
possible
values
are
as
follows:
MODE_1_2048
MODE_2_2336
MODE_2_2352
This
key
only
applies
to
disc
images.
Note
that
using
the
wrong
value
here
can
cause
the
image
to
not
fit
and
lead
to
an
unusable
disc.