PTBurn
Page
of
©
Primera
Technology,
Inc.
Primera
is
a
registered
trademark
and
Bravo
is
a
trademark
of
Primera
Technology,
Inc.
All
other
trademarks
are
the
property
of
their
respective
companies.
BadDiscs=0
DiscsRemaining=1
JobState=1
LoadDiscState0=0
LoadDiscDrive0=F
[CompletedJobs]
Job0=DataJob_ClosedDisc
[DataJob_ClosedDisc]
JobsAhead=0
DiscsAhead=0
CurrentStatus=The
job
is
complete...
CurrentStatusState=10
TimeStarted=06/05/2008
17:14:49
GoodDiscs=1
BadDiscs=0
DiscsRemaining=0
JobState=2
TimeCompleted=06/05/2008
17:16:13
Below
is
a
description
of
each
section
and
key
available
in
RobotName.txt.
3.2.2
JobList
Section
The
first
fixed
section
in
RobotName.txt
is
[JobList]
Within
this
section
are
keys
that
can
provide
the
list
of
the
current
jobs
being
processed
by
PTBurn.
The
Key
value
of
the
current
job
is
always
Job0,
the
next
job
is
Job1,
etc.
So,
an
example
might
be:
[JobList]
Job0=MyJob1
Job1=YourJob1
Job2=MyJob2
The
client
can
display
the
list
of
jobs
by
sequentially
trying
to
get
the
string
values
for
Keys:
Job0,
Job1,
Job2,…
The
end
of
the
list
of
jobs
can
be
determined
by
the
client
when
the
string
value
for
the
next
key
is
not
found.
This
section
may
not
exist
if
no
jobs
are
currently
running
.
3.2.3
CompletedJobs
Section
The
second
fixed
section
in
RobotName.txt
is
[CompletedJobs]
Within
this
section
are
keys
that
can
provide
a
client
the
list
of
the
recently
completed
jobs
(including
successful
jobs,
jobs
with
errors,
and
jobs
that
have
been
aborted).
The
Key
value
of
the
current
job
is
always
Job0,
the
next
job
is
Job1,
etc.
So,
an
example
might
be:
[CompletedJobs]
Job0=MyJob3