PTBurn
Page
of
©
Primera
Technology,
Inc.
Primera
is
a
registered
trademark
and
Bravo
is
a
trademark
of
Primera
Technology,
Inc.
All
other
trademarks
are
the
property
of
their
respective
companies.
RobotType=5
NumJobs=0
DiscsInLeftBin=6
DiscsInRightBin=4
StatusFile=Disc
Publisher
XRP.txt
KioskModeEnabled=0
CartridgeType0=2
CartridgeFill0=96
CartridgeType1=1
CartridgeFill1=95
[System]
SysErrorString=No
Errors
SysErrorNumber=0
PtburnSWVer=
JobProcSWVer=3.0.9
PTRobotVer=
PxsdkSWVer=
PxengSWVer=
PxDrvSWVer=1.02.16a
PxMasSWVer=
PxWaveSWVer=
PxHelp20SWVer=3.00.67a
ServerTime=06/05/2008
17:44:27
ServerTickCount=1749
DriveSpace=123849
Below
is
a
description
of
each
section
and
key
available
in
SystemStatus.txt.
3.1.2
Robot
List
This
section
in
SystemStatus.txt
contains
a
list
of
each
robot
active
in
the
system.
e.g.
[RobotList]
Robot0=Disc
Publisher
Robot1=Disc
Publisher
Each
robot
entry
point
to
a
“Robot
Section
within
the
file.
3.1.3
Robot
Section
This
section
in
SystemStatus.txt
contains
some
basic
status
on
a
particular
robot
in
the
system.
It
also
contains
the
file
names
where
more
status
and
can
be
found.
e.g.
[Disc
Publisher