DISCRIBE CD Mastering Software
disc with 2 sides, with up to 2 layers per side, giving a
total disc capacity of up to 17GB!
Layered EDC/ECC See EDC and ECC
Lead-In Area On a CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R, DVD-
RAM, or DVD+RW disc, a data area at the beginning
of the disc that is left blank for the disc’s (or session’s)
Table of Contents (TOC). The TOC will be recorded
when the disc (or session) is finalized and closed.
Lead-Out Area On a CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R, DVD-
RAM, or DVD+RW disc, a data area at the end of the
disc (or session) that indicates the end of the disc/layer
(or session) has been reached.
Logical File Format Translates the sector-and-mode
view of a Compact Disc into a virtual “tree” of direc-
tories and files, which makes it easier for both humans
and computers to use the information on the disc. In
this CD, for brevity, we often call it simply the logical
format or logical file system.
Magnetic Hard Disk Sometimes called a Winchester
disk, the generic term for this storage medium is “hard
disk”, and it refers to the fixed magnetic storage devic-
es supplied with almost all personal computers and
workstations. Capacities range from 20 Megabytes to
over 9 Gigabytes.
Magneto Optical (MO) The technology used by most
rewritable optical drives. It uses a laser to heat magnet-
ic recording media until its resistance to reversing its
magnetic polarity falls at which time a small magnet
reverses the field.
Mastering The process of creating a glass master from
which Compact Discs or DVD discs will be repro-
duced. Data is read from a tape (or CD-R/DVD-R disc)
to a powerful modulated laser beam that “engraves”
the corresponding pits into a photo-resistant surface.