CD to CD-RW Copy
A very useful function is Discribe’s direct CD to CD
copy function.
This function allows you to use another CD-ROM or
CD-RW drive to be selected as your read device and
then write the data directly from that drive to the CD-
RW drive of your choice.
From Discribe’s main interface select CD to CD-RW
Copy from the format pop-up menu.
Select Your Read Device
From the Source pop-up menu, select the CD-ROM or
CD-RW drive you wish to use as your read source. If a
disc is not present in the drive Discribe will prompt
you to insert a disc for reading.
Writing the CD
Verify that the correct CD-RW writer is selected then
click the Write Disc... button. Set up your options for
Test Write, In Background, Open Next Session, Write
Main Functions