Build-A-Mac HFS
Discribe has the ability to write a Macintosh HFS CD-
ROM without the use of another volume for your data
to reside on.
You can proceed by doing one of the following:
Drag and Drop Directly to the Discribe Window
Drag the data you wish to write to CD from your hard
disk to the Discribe window. Notice the Size of the
data and the Time reflect the data that’s been dragged
into the window.
Click the Data... Button
Click the Data... button to reveal the Macintosh HFS
Picker window. Here you can drag files from the desk-
top to the picker window. The Macintosh HFS Picker
window acts much like the list view in a Finder win-
dow, allowing you to rename and move files and fold-
ers around to suit your needs. Take note that the CD
name is listed as, “Untitled,” be sure to change the
name as this will be the name of your finished CD
Main Functions