DISCRIBE CD Mastering Software
taining up to 98 audio tracks in the first session, and
usually 1 data track in the second session. Enhanced
CD came about as better solution for putting audio and
data tracks on a single CD-ROM than mixed mode
discs. With Mixed mode, the data and audio tracks re-
side in a single session, and some CD players would
try to play the data track, which comes out as static.
With Enhanced CD, a regular CD player only “sees”
the audio tracks in the first session, while a CD-ROM
drive would be able to play the audio tracks and access
the data in the second session.
Error Correction Code See ECC
Error Detection Code See EDC
FireWire A high speed serial interface that can link
different types of devices on one logical bus. Apple
Computer is credited with the first implementation of
FireWire on its G3 Macintosh computers. FireWire
can be used to connect digital video cameras, hard
drives, CD-RW drives, and personal computers togeth-
er. Up to 63 devices can be daisy chained, and band-
widths of up to 400 Megabits per second are possible
today, and over 1 Gigibit per second is possible by the
end of 2000. See also IEEE1394, & i.LINK
Floppy Disk (floppies) These are the low-capacity
(typically 1.44Mb) removable disks which most per-
sonal computers have.While they offer excellent inter-
changeability, they also have little capacity and even
less speed.
Gigabyte (Gb) 1,000 Megabytes See also Byte, Kilo-
byte, & Megabyte
Gold Disc The recordable disc used in CD-R systems.
The blank disc is made, like all other Compact Discs,
of bottom layer of polycarbonate, but instead of having
a series of pits and lands stamped into it, it contains a