DISCRIBE CD Mastering Software
Writing the CD
Once the data has been added and arranged to your sat-
isfaction just click OK to return to the Discribe main
window. Verify that the correct CD-RW writer is se-
lected then click the Write Disc... button. Set up your
options for Test Write, In Background, Open Next Ses-
sion, Write Speed and Verify After Writing, then click
the Start button to begin the write process.
Note: Discribe allows you to write multiple Audio sessions to the
same CD-ROM.While the written CD, with two or more audio
sessions, will work fine when played on a computer’s CD-ROM
drive, consumer CD players will only recognize the first session
of the disc.
Note: The ability to read a piece of media depends on the CD-
ROM drive or the CD player. Audio written to CD-RW media may
have trouble being read on some consumer CD players.