placing spaces with underscores and changing all
letters to uppercase. For example, a file called, “CD
Artwork For Ad,” will be changed to,
“CD_ARTWO.RK_.” In general it is best to leave
the naming convention on the Macintosh setting.
Add... - You can add a single file to the Macintosh
HFS Picker window by clicking the Add... button.
Remove - Removes the selected file from the Mac-
intosh HFS Picker window
Cancel - Returns you to the main Discribe soft-
ware window without saving any changes
OK - Saves changes to the current project.
Once you are finished setting up your ISO-9660 por-
tion of the CD-ROM, click OK to proceed.
Finish Up with Disc Info...
If you want, you can set up the ISO-9660 Volume De-
scriptor by clicking the Disc Info... button in the main
interface. Editing the ISO-9660 Volume Descriptor is
not an essential part of creating an ISO or Hybrid CD-
ROM. When finished, click, OK.
Writing the CD
Verify that the correct CD-RW writer is selected then
click the Write Disc... button. Set up your options for
Test Write, In Background, Open Next Session, Write
Speed and Verify After Writing, then click the Start
button to begin the write process.
Main Functions