(Pico Style)
Currently Prime has only one magnetic probe, the Model PN18 that operates with the
DS71/72. The PN18 is a passive receiver sensor. It requires the operating signal from
an external magnetic source. Ferrous metal from .002 to .100” is detectable with the
PN18, if the external magnetic strength is sufficient to saturate a single blank with
additional magnetic flux available for a double metal blank will cause the sensor to
measure a difference.
Installation of the individual components of the DS71/DS72 system is covered in the
following paragraphs:
DS71/DS72 Control Module Installation
The DS71/72 Controller module is designed to mount with a simple bracket, where
convenient, between the probe
and a higher level controller
such as a PLC. Avoid
mounting locations with
excessive heat and vibration.
The control and probe
separation should not exceed
the length of the Model
CBL110-2 cable or two meters.
Any 18mm proximity probe
mounting bracket can be used
to install the controller. Prime’s 18mm right angle bracket model number is BR18SR.
Mount the control so the control face with the LED indicators and pushbutton is in view
and accessible. To connect the DS71/72 into a control system, use Prime Model
CBL104-3 cable/connector. The cable length is 3 meters. Prime can manufacture a
CBL104 cable/connector with additional length. The special order may take one week
to complete.