Via Pro/Via Mini User’s Guide: Dialogue AAC
Available Button Actions
Add Message to Display
Inserts text from the button’s Message box in the Speech Display Bar (SDB), but
the words are not spoken
Add Time/Date
Displays the current date and time in the SDB
Apply Grammar Property
Identifies a word as an adjective, noun, or verb
Apply Grammar State
Applies a grammar rule to a word
Apply Modifier
Applies the modifier that you selected to another button. A modifier is a special
key on a keyboard that modifies the normal action of another key. (Caps Lock,
Ctrl, Functions, Num Lock, Shift)
Backspace Key
Deletes the last character in the SDB
Battery Status
Displays the current battery status in the SDB
Opens a pop-up window with a functioning calculator
Cancel Visit
Clears all remaining visits
Center Head Tracking
Centers the cursor in respect to the user’s current head position
Clear All Modifiers
Releases any Shift, Caps, Ctrl, or Num Lock modifiers
Clear Display
Clears the text from the SDB
Clear Grammar State
Clears a grammar rule that has not been applied to a word
Clear Last Word
Deletes the last word from the SDB
Data Logging On/Off
Toggles data logging on and off. Data logging allows your device to collect
language usage data that you can upload to the Realize Language™ website for
web-based analysis or save to a file to analyze manually.
Grammar Action
Changes the existing word to the chosen grammatical form, add –ed, add –en,
add –er, add –est, add –ing, Add –s
Help Signal
Triggers a loud attention-getting sound
Jump to Page
Takes you to a new page for a single hit and then takes you back and does not
remember any unused visits.
Message Bank
Lists your banked messages, allowing you to select the message you want.
Takes you to a pre-defined page
Navigate Back
Takes you to the previous page
Navigate to Home
Takes you to the home page of the vocabulary file
Open App
Opens a specific iPad® app from a vocabulary page.
Not available on a dedicated
Pause/Resume Speech
Pauses any speech that is currently playing—for example, a speech message or a
recorded speech. Activating this action again will resume the paused speech.
Play Library Audio
Plays an audio file from the user’s media library.
Not available on a dedicated