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21. VFD RS232 communication with PC
I-1-3 Protocol description
PI9000 series inverter communication protocol is a asynchronous serial
master-slave communication protocol, in the network, only one
equipment(master) can build a protocol (known as “Inquiry/Command”).
Other equipment(slave) only can esponse the "Inquiry/Command"of
master by providing data or perform the corresponding action according to
the "Inquiry/Command"of master. Here, the master refers to a Personnel
Computer(PC), an industrial control device or a programmable logic
controller (PLC), etc. and the slave refers to PI9000 inverter.
Master can communicate with individual slave, also send broadcasting
information to all the lower slaves. For the single "Inquiry/Command"of
master, slave will return a signal(that is a response) to master; for the
broadcasting information sent by master, slave does not need to feedback
a response to master.