An abbreviation for megahertz. This is a unit of measure-
ment and refers to a million cycles per second. Bandwidth is
measured in megahertz.
A method by which all the video scan lines are
presented on the screen in one sweep instead of two (also see
NTSC (National Television Systems Committee)
The television
standard for North America, Japan, and certain countries in
South America. NTSC is 525 lines of resolution with a refresh
rate of 60 Hz. NTSC refers to a type of video or television signal.
PAL (Phase Alternate Line)
The television standard for Western
Europe, Asia, Australia, certain countries in Africa and South
America. PAL is 625 lines of resolution with a refresh rate of 50
Hz. PAL refers to a type of video or television signal.
Polaview 220 DLP Projector