Glossary of Terms
A type of LCD without defined form or shape;
uncrystallized. Yields a sharper image.
Analog Signal
A continuous signal that takes time to make a
transition from one level to another. Standard audio and video
signals are analog. This signal has an infinite number of levels
between its highest and lowest value. (Not represented by bits,
such as with digital.)
Aspect Ratio
Horizontal dimension of a picture expressed rela-
tive to the vertical dimensions. The aspect ratio of all broadcast
composite video systems is 4 units wide by 3 units high.
A frequency range, or “band” of frequencies, within
which a device operates.
Brightness Ratio
The difference between the brightest and dark-
est object in a picture. Too much of a difference can cause unac-
ceptable contrast.
Polaview 220 DLP Projector