Polaview 220 DLP Projector
What is the significance of SVGA (800 x 600) resolution?
The screen resolution of 800 x 600 pixels used in Polaview 220
projectors matches the monitor capabilities of most laptop com-
puters sold today. It gives the users bright and superior comput-
er/video images. Unlike other projectors, Polaview 220 users do
not need to adjust their monitor settings to 640 x 480.
Will DLP technology replace LCD?
LCD projection products are and will continue to be viable, com-
petitive products. LCD projectors are Polaroid’s most popular
products, and double-digit growth rates are expected to continue
through the end of the decade. The Polaview 220 is a feature-rich
data/video projector with superior image quality. It is a key
component in Polaroid’s overall data/video projector line-up for
the short term and beyond. The bottom line is that business, edu-
cation and government presenters aren’t as concerned with the
technology that’s inside their projectors as they are with a projec-
tion solution that meets their needs.