Composite Video
A mixed signal comprised of the luminance
black and white, chrominance (color), blanking pulses, sync puls-
es and color burst.
Degree of difference between the lightest and darkest
parts of a picture. Low contrast is shown mainly as shades of
gray, while high contrast is shown as blacks and whites with
very little gray.
The alignment of the Red, Green, and Blue video
on a projected display.
DOT Clock (also Pixel Clock)
The highest data rate that a
graphics device can produce.
EGA (Enhanced Graphics Adapter)
First introduced in 1984 by
IBM. Resolution is 640 x 350 with 16 colors at 60 Hz. EGA is
Frequency Range
Refers to the low-to-high limits of a device,
such as a computer, projector or monitor. Also “bandwidth”.
Polaview 220 DLP Projector