Section 2. Installing Your PlexWriter
PlexWriter 52/24/52A Installation and Users Manual
About Cable Select
The Cable Select jumper position sets the PlexWriter drive to use the CSEL signal
from the IDE interface for configuration purposes. This signal automatically selects
the correct Master/Slave setting for the PlexWriter.
Figure 10: Using the CSEL Jumper to Configure the PlexWriter Drive
To use CSEL, you must have:
A computer that supports CSEL.
A special CSEL cable for IDE.
: To use CSEL and Cable Select, you’ll have to purchase a CSEL cable, or use
one that may be supplied with your CSEL-configured system.
Identifying Whether Your System Uses Cable Select
If you are unsure whether or not your system has a Cable Select cable installed,
either look at the cable or look at the jumpers on the CD-ROM drive. If any device is
jumpered as Cable Select, then both devices on that cable should be jumpered the