Appendix A: Glossary
PlexTools Professional Reference Guide
Constant Linear Velocity (CLV) is when the rotational speed of the disc is changed
in order to keep the read speed constant. The whole disc will be read at the same
CU error correction applies to uncorrectable errors, or errors that are present after C2
level correction. No CU errors are allowed in a recorded disc. CU errors are usually a
result of damage to a disc and represent unrecoverable data. Discs with CU errors
quite often cannot be read at all.
Consists of the following characters A-Z, 0-9, _ ! " % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? and
Digital Audio Extraction (DAE)
Digital Audio Extraction is the conversion from audio tracks to *.wav files. Plextor
CD-ROM drives allow DAE at high speed and with high accuracy.
Drive speed
A measurement of read or write speed, where each increase of 1X equals an increase
of 150 KB/s in data transfer speed.
PlexTools Professional allows you to change the speed settings, which may help you
to overcome problems—for example, the reading of scratched or unbalanced discs
that may cause vibration at certain speeds.
Focus Error (FE)
Focus error is a measure of how accurately the laser is focused on the disc (how
round the laser dot is). A good disc will show a low number of focus errors across
the graph. A bad disc will show a high number of focus errors across the graph, or
high points where the drive cannot focus the laser correctly because of poor disc
freedb is an information database containing artist, disc title, track titles and other
information for digital audio compact discs. For more information visit the freedb
web site at
ISRC code
International Standard Recording Code. This code states the country of origin, the
owner, the year of issue and the serial number of tracks. It also may be different for
each track.
: Most CDs do not contain this information.