6.7 Axis arrangement
6.7.1 Coordinates system
Yellow stickers on the axes of the milling unit label the axes and the positive
and negative axis alignment with linear axes, or the positive and negative
direction of rotation with rotating axes. X, Y, Z: generally the axis address
letter for linear axes. A, B, C: generally the axis address letter for swivelling
or pivoting axes.
6.7.2 Assignment of movement axes
With systems of type Planmeca PlanMill 50 S:
X axis = lifting axis (+X down; -X up)
Y axis = lateral axis (+Y right; -Y left)
Z axis = longitudinal axis (+Z back; -Z forwards)
A axis = pivoting axis (+A pivot left; -A pivot right)
B axis = swivelling axis (+B swivel forwards; -B swivel backwards)
6 Milling unit
User's manual
Planmeca PlanMill 50 S 31