Enter four key values by following the rules below and select one key as the default key.
PassPhrase – A passphrase simplifies the WEP encryption process by
automatically generating the WEP encryption keys for the print server. This
setting is only valid when the security mode is in “WEP(HEX)”.
Key 1 to Key 4 – If the key length is 64-bit, enter 10-digit Hex values or
5-digit ASCII values as the encryption keys. For example: “0123456aef“ or
If the key length is 128-bit, enter 26-digit Hex values or 13-digit ASCII values as the
encryption keys. For example: “01234567890123456789abcdef“ or “administrator“.
WPA-shared key Security Mode:
W h e n “ W P A - s h a r e d k e y ” , a l s o n a m e d “ W P A - P S K ” r e q u i r e s u s e r s t o
s e l e c t t h e a d v a n c e d e n c r y p t i o n m e t h o d s , i . e . T K I P a n d e n t e r a s e t o f
s h a r e d k e y .
WPA Algorithms - TKIP (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol) changes the
temporal key every 10,000 packets. This insures much greater security than
the standard WEP security.
Shared Key - Enter 8 to 63 digits of ASCII format to be the key for the
authentication within the network
When you finish configuring the wireless security, click “Next” to go to next step.