GTX 33SR Transponder (Extended Squitter)
The GTX 335R Transponder provides Mode A, C, and S altitude and position
reporting information for the GI 000 system as well as TIS-A and ADS-B OUT
(1090 ES). It includes the following features:
• ADS-B Out, TIS traffic display output and aural alerting.
• Level-2 data link capability which is used to exchange information
between aircraft and A TC faci Ii ties.
• Surveillance identifier capability which is required in Europe.
• Flight Identification reporting which reports the aircraft identification as
either the aircraft registration or an assigned flight plan number.
• Altitude reporting as provided by the aircraft air data system.
• Airborne status determination which reports Ground or Flight mode.
• Transponder capability reporting which communicates Mode A, Mode C,
and .Mode S capability.
• Mode S Enhanced Surveillance (EHS) requirements.
• Acquisition squitter which is a 24-bit identification address transmitted
periodically to enable ground stations and aircraft equipped with a Traffic
Avoidance System (TAS) to recognize similarly equipped aircraft.
The Hazard Avoidance Section provides more details on traffic avoidance
GTX 345R Transponder (Option)
In addition to the capabilities of the GTX 335R transponder, the GTX 345R
provides Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) IN (1090)
(UAT, TIS-B, and FIS-B) capability. The unit receives and displays .L\DS-B
transmissions from other ADS-B OUT equipped aircraft, ADS-R, and TIS-B
information from ground stations.
• ADS-BOut, Dual-band ADS-B In traffic display output and aural alerting
• Integration with T AS traffic systems
• FIS-B weather and Oight information display output
• Connect PED interface to traffic, weather, and AHRS, via Bluetooth
• Altitude deviation alerting
• Timers: count up, count down, Oight, trip
• Static (Outside) air temperature display
• Density and pressure altitude display
• Internal GPS (Optional)
ISSUED: December 22, 2017