PA-28-181, ARCHER ID
The GI 000 utilizes several databases. Database titles display in yellow
if they have expired or are in question. Database cycle information is
displayed at power up on the MFD screen, but more detailed information is
available on the AUX pages. Internal database validation prevents incorrect
data from being displayed.
The upper Secure Digital (SD) data card slot is typically vacant as it is
used for software maintenance and navigational database updates. The
lower data card slot should contain a data card with the system's terrain/
obstacle information and optional data such as Safe Taxi, Flight Charts and
JeppView electronic charts.
Safe Taxi Database
The Garmin Safe Taxi database contains detailed airport diagrams
for selected airports. These diagrams aid in following ground control
instructions by accurately displaying the aircraft position on the map
in relation to taxiways, ramps, runways, terminals and services. This
database is updated on a 56-day cycle and has no expiration date.
Terrain Database
The terrain databases are updated periodically and have no expiration
date. Coverage of the terrain database is all longitudes and latitudes.
Obstacle Database
The obstacle database contains data for obstacles, such as towers, that
pose a potential hazard to aircraft. Obstacles 200 feet and higher are
included in the obstacle database. It is very important to note that not
all obstacles are necessarily charted and therefore may not be contained
in the obstacle database. Coverage of the obstacle database includes the
United Scates and Europe. This database is uptlalc::<.I un a 56-tlay 1.:yde
and has no expiration date.
Navigation Database
Navigation database coverage options include the Americas,
International, or Worldwide. This database is updated on a 28-day
ISSUED: December 22, 2017
REVISED: August 29, 2019