Pioneer BDP-430 Operating Instructions Manual Download Page 91

Software License Notice

the exclusion of warranty; and each fi le should 
have at least the “copyright” line and a pointer to 
where the full notice is found.
  <one line to give the program’s name and a 

brief idea of what it does.>

  Copyright © <year> <name of author>
  This program is free software; you can 

redistribute it and/ or modify it under the 
terms of the GNU General Public License as 
published by the Free Software Foundation; 
either version 2 of the License, or (at your 
option) any later version.

  This program is distributed in the hope 

that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY 
WARRANTY; without even the implied 
General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the 

GNU General Public License along with this 
program; if not, write to the Free Software 
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, 
Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

Also add information on how to contact you by 
electronic and paper mail.
If the program is interactive, make it output 
a short notice like this when it starts in an 
interactive mode:
  Gnomovision version 69, Copyright © year 

name of author

  Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO 

WARRANTY; for details type ‘show w’. This 
is free software, and you are welcome to 
redistribute it under certain conditions; type 
‘show c’ for details.

The hypothetical commands ‘show w’ and 
‘show c’ should show the appropriate parts 
of the General Public License. Of course, the 
commands you use may be called something 
other than ‘show w’ and ‘show c’; they could 
even be mouse-clicks or menu items - whatever 
suits your program.
You should also get your employer (if you work 
as a programmer) or your school, if any, to 
sign a “copyright disclaimer” for the program, if 
necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright 

interest in the program ‘Gnomovision’ (which 
makes passes at compilers) written by James 

  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
  Ty Coon, President of Vice
This General Public License does not permit 
incorporating your program into proprietary 
programs. If your program is a subroutine library, 
you may consider it more useful to permit linking 
proprietary applications with the library. If this 
is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser 
General Public License instead of this License.


Version 2.1, February 1999
Copyright © 1991, 1999 Free Software 
Foundation, Inc.
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 
02110-1301 USA
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute 
verbatim copies of this license document, but 
changing it is not allowed.
[This is the fi rst released version of the Lesser 
GPL. It also counts as the successor of the GNU 
Library Public License, version 2, hence the 
version number 2.1.]


The licenses for most software are designed to 
take away your freedom to share and change it. 
By contrast, the GNU General Public Licenses 
are intended to guarantee your freedom to share 

and change free software - to make sure the 
software is free for all its users. This license, 
the Lesser General Public License, applies to 
some specially designated software packages 
- typically libraries - of the Free Software 
Foundation and other authors who decide to 
use it. You can use it too, but we suggest you 
fi rst think carefully about whether this license or 
the ordinary General Public License is the better 
strategy to use in any particular case, based on 
the explanations below.
When we speak of free software, we are 
referring to freedom of use, not price. Our 
General Public Licenses are designed to make 
sure that you have the freedom to distribute 
copies of free software (and charge for this 
service if you wish); that you receive source 
code or can get it if you want it; that you can 
change the software and use pieces of it in new 
free programs; and that you are informed that 
you can do these things.
To protect your rights, we need to make 
restrictions that forbid distributors to deny you 
these rights or to ask you to surrender these 
rights. These restrictions translate to certain 
responsibilities for you if you distribute copies of 
the library or if you modify it.
For example, if you distribute copies of the 
library, whether gratis or for a fee, you must give 
the recipients all the rights that we gave you. You 
must make sure that they, too, receive or can 
get the source code. If you link other code with 
the library, you must provide complete object 
fi les to the recipients, so that they can relink 
them with the library after making changes to the 
library and recompiling it. And you must show 
them these terms so they know their rights. We 
protect your rights with a two-step method: (1) 
we copyright the library, and (2) we offer you 
this license, which gives you legal permission to 
copy, distribute and/or modify the library.
To protect each distributor, we want to make it 
very clear that there is no warranty for the free 
library. Also, if the library is modifi ed by someone 
else and passed on, the recipients should know 
that what they have is not the original version, 
so that the original author’s reputation will not be 
affected by problems that might be introduced 
by others.
Finally, software patents pose a constant threat 
to the existence of any free program. We wish 
to make sure that a company cannot effectively 
restrict the users of a free program by obtaining 
a restrictive license from a patent holder. 
Therefore, we insist that any patent license 
obtained for a version of the library must be 
consistent with the full freedom of use specifi ed 
in this license.
Most GNU software, including some libraries, 
is covered by the ordinary GNU General Public 
License. This license, the GNU Lesser General 
Public License, applies to certain designated 
libraries, and is quite different from the ordinary 
General Public License. We use this license for 
certain libraries in order to permit linking those 
libraries into nonfree programs.
When a program is linked with a library, 
whether statically or using a shared library, 
the combination of the two is legally speaking 
a combined work, a derivative of the original 
library. The ordinary General Public License 
therefore permits such linking only if the entire 
combination fi ts its criteria of freedom. The 
Lesser General Public License permits more lax 
criteria for linking other code with the library.
We call this license the “Lesser” General Public 
License because it does Less to protect the 
user’s freedom than the ordinary General 
Public License. It also provides other free 
software developers Less of an advantage 

over competing non-free programs. These 
disadvantages are the reason we use the 
ordinary General Public License for many 
libraries. However, the Lesser license provides 
advantages in certain special circumstances.
For example, on rare occasions, there may be a 
special need to encourage the widest possible 
use of a certain library, so that it becomes a 
de-facto standard. To achieve this, non-free 
programs must be allowed to use the library.
A more frequent case is that a free library does 
the same job as widely used non-free libraries. 
In this case, there is little to gain by limiting the 
free library to free software only, so we use the 
Lesser General Public License.
In other cases, permission to use a particular 
library in nonfree programs enables a greater 
number of people to use a large body of free 
software. For example, permission to use the 
GNU C Library in non-free programs enables 
many more people to use the whole GNU 
operating system, as well as its variant, the GNU 
Linux operating system.
Although the Lesser General Public License 
is Less protective of the users’ freedom, it 
does ensure that the user of a program that 
is linked with the Library has the freedom and 
the wherewithal to run that program using a 
modifi ed version of the Library.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, 
distribution and modifi cation follow. Pay close 
attention to the difference between a “work 
based on the library” and a “work that uses the 
library”. The former contains code derived from 
the library, whereas the latter must be combined 
with the library in order to run.


0.  This License Agreement applies to any 

software library or other program which 
contains a notice placed by the copyright 
holder or other authorized party saying it 
may be distributed under the terms of this 
Lesser General Public License (also called 
“this License”). Each licensee is addressed 
as “you”.


A “library” means a collection of software 
functions and/ or data prepared so as to 
be conveniently linked with application 
programs (which use some of those 
functions and data) to form executables.


The “Library”, below, refers to any such 
software library or work which has been 
distributed under these terms. A “work 
based on the Library” means either the 
Library or any derivative work under 
copyright law: that is to say, a work 
containing the Library or a portion of it, 
either verbatim or with modifi cations and/
or translated straightforwardly into another 
language. (Hereinafter, translation is included 
without limitation in the term “modifi cation”.)


“Source code” for a work means the 
preferred form of the work for making 
modifi cations to it. For a library, complete 
source code means all the source code for 
all modules it contains, plus any associated 
interface defi nition fi les, plus the scripts used 
to control compilation and installation of the 


Activities other than copying, distribution 
and modifi cation are not covered by this 
License; they are outside its scope. The act 
of running a program using the Library is not 
restricted, and output from such a program 
is covered only if its contents constitute a 
work based on the Library (independent of 
the use of the Library in a tool for writing it). 
Whether that is true depends on what the 
Library does and what the program that 

uses the Library does.

1.  You may copy and distribute verbatim copies 

of the Library’s complete source code as you 
receive it, in any medium, provided that you 
conspicuously and appropriately publish on 
each copy an appropriate copyright notice 
and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all 
the notices that refer to this License and to 
the absence of any warranty; and distribute 
a copy of this License along with the Library.


You may charge a fee for the physical act 
of transferring a copy, and you may at your 
option offer warranty protection in exchange 
for a fee.

2.  You may modify your copy or copies of the 

Library or any portion of it, thus forming a 
work based on the Library, and copy and 
distribute such modifi cations or work under 
the terms of Section 1 above, provided that 
you also meet all of these conditions:
a)  The modifi ed work must itself be a 

software library.

b)  You must cause the fi les modifi ed to 

carry prominent notices stating that you 
changed the fi les and the date of any 

c)  You must cause the whole of the work 

to be licensed at no charge to all third 
parties under the terms of this License.

d)  If a facility in the modifi ed Library refers 

to a function or a table of data to be 
supplied by an application program 
that uses the facility, other than as an 
argument passed when the facility is 
invoked, then you must make a good 
faith effort to ensure that, in the event an 
application does not supply such function 
or table, the facility still operates, and 
performs whatever part of its purpose 
remains meaningful. (For example, a 
function in a library to compute square 
roots has a purpose that is entirely well-
defi ned independent of the application. 
Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that 
any application-supplied function or table 
used by this function must be optional: 
if the application does not supply it, the 
square root function must still compute 
square roots.)


These requirements apply to the modifi ed 
work as a whole. If identifi able sections 
of that work are not derived from the 
Library, and can be reasonably considered 
independent and separate works in 
themselves, then this License, and its terms, 
do not apply to those sections when you 
distribute them as separate works. But when 
you distribute the same sections as part of a 
whole which is a work based on the Library, 
the distribution of the whole must be on the 
terms of this License, whose permissions for 
other licensees extend to the entire whole, 
and thus to each and every part regardless 
of who wrote it.


Thus, it is not the intent of this section to 
claim rights or contest your rights to work 
written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to 
exercise the right to control the distribution 
of derivative or collective works based on 
the Library.


In addition, mere aggregation of another 
work not based on the Library with the 
Library (or with a work based on the Library) 
on a volume of a storage or distribution 
medium does not bring the other work under 
the scope of this License.

3.  You may opt to apply the terms of the 

ordinary GNU General Public License 
instead of this License to a given copy of 
the Library. To do this, you must alter all the 

notices that refer to this License, so that they 
refer to the ordinary GNU General Public 
License, version 2, instead of to this License. 
(If a newer version than version 2 of the 
ordinary GNU General Public License has 
appeared, then you can specify that version 
instead if you wish.) Do not make any other 
change in these notices.


Once this change is made in a given copy, 
it is irreversible for that copy, so the ordinary 
GNU General Public License applies to all 
subsequent copies and derivative works 
made from that copy. This option is useful 
when you wish to copy part of the code 
of the Library into a program that is not a 

4.  You may copy and distribute the Library (or 

a portion or derivative of it, under Section 2) 
in object code or executable form under the 
terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided 
that you accompany it with the complete 
corresponding machine-readable source 
code, which must be distributed under 
the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on 
a medium customarily used for software 


If distribution of object code is made by 
offering access to copy from a designated 
place, then offering equivalent access to 
copy the source code from the same place 
satisfi es the requirement to distribute the 
source code, even though third parties are 
not compelled to copy the source along with 
the object code.

5.  A program that contains no derivative of 

any portion of the Library, but is designed to 
work with the Library by being compiled or 
linked with it, is called a “work that uses the 
Library”. Such a work, in isolation, is not a 
derivative work of the Library, and therefore 
falls outside the scope of this License.


However, linking a “work that uses the 
Library” with the Library creates an 
executable that is a derivative of the Library 
(because it contains portions of the Library), 
rather than a “work that uses the library”. 
The executable is therefore covered by 
this License. Section 6 states terms for 
distribution of such executables.


When a “work that uses the Library” uses 
material from a header fi le that is part of the 
Library, the object code for the work may be 
a derivative work of the Library even though 
the source code is not. Whether this is true 
is especially signifi cant if the work can be 
linked without the Library, or if the work is 
itself a library. The threshold for this to be 
true is not precisely defi ned by law.


If such an object fi le uses only numerical 
parameters, data structure layouts and 
accessors, and small macros and small 
inline functions (ten lines or less in length), 
then the use of the object fi le is unrestricted, 
regardless of whether it is legally a derivative 
work. (Executables containing this object 
code plus portions of the Library will still fall 
under Section 6.)


Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the 
Library, you may distribute the object code 
for the work under the terms of Section 6. 
Any executables containing that work also 
fall under Section 6, whether or not they are 
linked directly with the Library itself.

6.  As an exception to the Sections above, you 

may also combine or link a “work that uses 
the Library” with the Library to produce 
a work containing portions of the Library, 
and distribute that work under terms of 
your choice, provided that the terms permit 
modifi cation of the work for the customer’s 

own use and reverse engineering for 
debugging such modifi cations.


You must give prominent notice with each 
copy of the work that the Library is used in it 
and that the Library and its use are covered 
by this License. You must supply a copy of 
this License. If the work during execution 
displays copyright notices, you must include 
the copyright notice for the Library among 
them, as well as a reference directing the 
user to the copy of this License. Also, you 
must do one of these things:
a)  Accompany the work with the complete 

corresponding machine-readable source 
code for the Library including whatever 
changes were used in the work (which 
must be distributed under Sections 1 
and 2 above); and, if the work is an 
executable linked with the Library, with 
the complete machine-readable “work 
that uses the Library”, as object code 
and/or source code, so that the user 
can modify the Library and then relink to 
produce a modifi ed executable containing 
the modifi ed Library. (It is understood 
that the user who changes the contents 
of defi nitions fi les in the Library will 
not necessarily be able to recompile 
the application to use the modifi ed 
defi nitions.)

b)  Use a suitable shared library mechanism 

for linking with the Library. A suitable 
mechanism is one that (1) uses at run 
time a copy of the library already present 
on the user’s computer system, rather 
than copying library functions into the 
executable, and (2) will operate properly 
with a modifi ed version of the library, if the 
user installs one, as long as the modifi ed 
version is interface-compatible with the 
version that the work was made with.

c)  Accompany the work with a written offer, 

valid for at least three years, to give the 
same user the materials specifi ed in 
Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no 
more than the cost of performing this 

d)  If distribution of the work is made by 

offering access to copy from a designated 
place, offer equivalent access to copy the 
above specifi ed materials from the same 

e)  Verify that the user has already received a 

copy of these materials or that you have 
already sent this user a copy.


For an executable, the required form of the 
“work that uses the Library” must include 
any data and utility programs needed for 
reproducing the executable from it.


However, as a special exception, the 
materials to be distributed need not include 
anything that is normally distributed (in 
either source or binary form) with the major 
components (compiler, kernel, and so 
on) of the operating system on which the 
executable runs, unless that component 
itself accompanies the executable. It may 
happen that this requirement contradicts 
the license restrictions of other proprietary 
libraries that do not normally accompany 
the operating system. Such a contradiction 
means you cannot use both them and the 
Library together in an executable that you 

7.  You may place library facilities that are a 

work based on the Library side-by-side in 
a single library together with other library 
facilities not covered by this License, and 
distribute such a combined library, provided 
that the separate distribution of the work 

Summary of Contents for BDP-430

Page 1: ...Operating Instructions Mode d emploi Manual de instrucciones Blu ray 3DTM PLAYER LECTEUR Blu ray 3DTM REPRODUCTOR de Blu ray 3DTM BDP 430 ...

Page 2: ...unused for long periods of time 13 Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel Servicing is required when the apparatus has been damaged in any 14 way such as power supply cord or plug is damaged liquid has been spilled or objects have fallen into the apparatus the apparatus has been exposed to rain or moisture does not operate normally or has been dropped Additional Safety Information Powe...

Page 3: ...n disconnect device for the unit you will need to unplug it from the AC outlet to shut down all power Therefore make sure the unit has been installed so that the power cord can be easily unplugged from the AC outlet in case of an accident To avoid fire hazard the power cord should also be unplugged from the AC outlet when left unused for a long period of time for example when on vacation D3 4 2 2 ...

Page 4: ...h a record only once encrypted program playback can only be achieved using a CPRM compatible device AVCHD and the AVCHD logo are trademarks of Panasonic Corporation and Sony Corporation DivX DivX Certified and associated logos are trademarks of DivX Inc and are used under license Important Notice This product incorporates the LC Font duplication inhibited that has been designed by Sharp Corporatio...

Page 5: such discs may damage the player Do not use such discs Discs other than the above that cannot be played CDG 1 Photo CD CD ROM CD TEXT 1 CD EXTRA 1 SACD PD CDV CVD SVCD DVD RAM DVD Audio HD DVD 1 Only the audio can be played Icons Used on DVD Video Disc Cases 2 2 16 9 2 LB 2 1 3 5 4 6 1 English 2 Chinese 1 English 2 Chinese 1 2 3 4 5 1 Audio tracks and audio formats DVD discs can contain up to...

Page 6: official DivX Certified device that plays DivX video Visit divx com for more information and software tools to convert your files into DivX video About Playing MKV Files MKV files can be played MKV is a file format allowing multiple audio and video files to be held in a single file The files that can be played are as follows Resolution Up to 1 280 x 720 Extension mkv or MKV About Playing Window...

Page 7: ...ote control sensor page 12 4 PQLS indicator page 14 5 Blu ray indicator 6 Lights when the power is on Disc tray page 14 7 3D indicator page 22 8 9 OPEN CLOSE page 14 FL OFF indicator page 13 10 USB port pages 11 and 24 11 Front panel display See below 12 13 PLAY page 14 STANDBY ON PQLS USB FL OFF OPEN CLOSE 4 6 11 5 12 10 13 3 7 8 2 1 9 3D 5 V 0 5 A 7 Introduction Remote control unit AAA R03 size ...

Page 8: ...DIO page 19 SUBTITLE page 19 ANGLE page 31 19 FRONT LIGHT page 13 32 VIDEO OUTPUT RESET page 21 33 ENTER pages 12 and 20 34 Keylock function You can set the keylock to prevent accidental operations This function allows TVs compatible with control function with HDMI to also perform a Key Lock on the player Press and hold KEY LOCK for more than 2 seconds Each time you perform this operation the func...

Page 9: ...HD High Resolution Audio and DTS HD Master Audio formats is output from the HDMI terminal as Bitstream Connect an amplifier with a built in decoder to enjoy the fine sound quality Selecting the priority video output when connecting HDMI and Component video When you connect both an HDMI cable and a component cable to this player you need to select the priority video output in Settings Audio Video S...

Page 10: ...pment with a video jack NOTE Connect the Blu ray disc player to TV directly When you record the program where copyright is protected the copy guard function is activated automatically the program can not be recorded correctly Also the playback image via VCR may deteriorate due to this function However this is not a malfunction When you watch the program where copyright is protected we recommend th...

Page 11: digital cable commercially available or AV cable supplied to the optical digital 2 audio terminals or audio jacks and or and After connecting Load a disc and start playback Page 14 To DIGITAL OUT OPTICAL terminal Optical digital cable commercially available To OPTICAL input terminal Amplifier When using OPTICAL output 5 1 ch Digital Output is available 7 1 ch Digital Output is not available NO...

Page 12: ... plug within reach TO PREVENT RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK DO NOT TOUCH THE UN INSULATED PARTS OF ANY CABLES WHILE THE AC CORD IS CONNECTED If you are not going to use this Player for a long period of time be sure to remove the AC cord from the AC outlet STANDBY ON PQLS Approximate operating range of remote control Turning the Power On STANDBY ON PQLS USB FL OFF OPEN CLOSE 3D 5 V 0 5 A Press STANDBY ON ...

Page 13: ... NEI 07 42 NIKKAI 05 07 41 46 48 NOBLIKO 49 NOKIA 32 42 52 NORDMENDE 32 36 51 52 OCEANIC 31 32 42 ORION 32 07 39 40 OSAKI 41 46 48 OSO 41 OSUME 48 OTTO VERSAND 31 32 07 42 PALLADIUM 38 PANAMA 46 PANASONIC 31 07 08 42 22 PATHO CINEMA 42 PAUSA 44 PHILCO 32 42 PHILIPS 31 07 34 56 68 PHOENIX 32 PHONOLA 07 PROFEX 42 44 PROTECH 07 42 44 46 49 QUELLE 31 32 07 42 45 53 R LINE 07 RADIOLA 07 RADIOSHACK 10 2...

Page 14: ...sic CDs CD DAs The PQLS Multi Surround function that is activated when playing all discs BDs DVDs etc with linear PCM audio output The PQLS Bitstream function that is activated when playing with bitstream audio output The various PQLS functions are activated when a Pioneer AV amplifier supporting the PQLS functions is connected directly to the HDMI OUT terminal with an HDMI cable and the main unit...

Page 15: on the USB memory device cannot be played If a USB memory device containing other data previously recorded is used the video and audio may not play back properly If the USB memory device is disconnected from this player during playback playback of the disc will stop Do not disconnect the USB memory device while playback is in progress Some time may be required for the data to load read write C...

Page 16: ...the recording copy was made Playback by selecting a Playlist Press 1 BLUE while the Disc Navigator screen is displayed The Playlist screen is displayed Press 2 to select the title then press ENTER Playback of the selected title will begin Press 3 STOP to stop playback Audio CD Playback AUDIO CD Playback from the beginning Load an audio CD 1 The CD screen is displayed The CD screen is displayed onl...

Page 17: playback NOTE The following functions cannot be used during playback of audio files Fast forwarding fast reversing Repeat function Function control page 19 Selecting and playing a different audio file during playback of an audio file Press 1 to select the file 1 5 16 2 5 10 3 5 23 4 5 03 5 4 44 6 5 08 00 00 11 3 12 3 L R 5 23 0 00 Music03 mp3 Select Enter Functions Music02 mp3 Music01 mp3 Musi...

Page 18: playback Partial Repeat Playback Repeat Playback of a Specified Part DVD VIDEO DVD R DVD RW AUDIO CD Press 1 REPEAT during playback Press 2 to select Scene Selection then press ENTER Set Start Point displays Set Start Point Playback Title Playback Chapter Scene Selection Press 3 ENTER at the scene where you want to set the start point Set End Point displays Press 4 ENTER at the scene where you ...

Page 19: ...les channel via a menu For details see the manual for the disc The display for angles automatically disappears after 5 seconds Function Control This allows you to adjust various settings at once like subtitles audio and angle settings and the title selection for Direct Playback The operations are the same for BD and DVD Function control operation procedure Press 1 FUNCTION during playback The Func...

Page 20: ...u Example Setting Control Basic Operation for Playback Setting Example Setting Parental Control under Playback Setting Press 1 HOME MENU to display the HOME MENU screen Press 2 to select Settings then press ENTER Press 3 to select Playback Setting then press ENTER Press 4 to select Parental Control then press ENTER When you operate this Player for the first time the password setting screen will be...

Page 21: ...lly adjusted Lower the audio volume before setting If you do not do so the speakers may emit a loud sound or excessive output may be applied to the speakers Smart Settings Auto Power Off This sets the Player so that power is automatically shut off if playback is stopped for about 10 minutes Yes No Control This sets the Player to be controlled from the Flat Panel TV via the HDMI cable NOTE For deta...

Page 22: ...tion code of your player DivX Deactivate Deactivate your player and display the deactivation code 3D Mode This sets how 3D discs are played Auto With 3D discs the disc is played with 3D images Regardless of the Audio Video Setting setting videos are played at a resolution setting prioritizing 3D transfer 2D Even with 3D discs the disc is played with 2D images Item 3D Notice This sets whether or no...

Page 23: ... Then press to select a new number character you want to input and press ENTER Press 5 YELLOW Complete to fix the numbers which have been input IP Address Netmask Gateway 123 6 Repeat step 1 to 5 to finish inputting all the required characters Press 9 ENTER to test the connection For setting the IP address press 10 to select Yes or No then press ENTER Do you obtain the IP address automatically IP ...

Page 24: ...ion conditions and other factors some time may be required to download the update file CAUTION Do not disconnect the LAN cable USB Wireless LAN Adaptor or USB memory device or unplug the power cord while the update file is being downloaded or the software is being updated Do not perform other operations while the software is being updated Also note that updating cannot be canceled once it is start...

Page 25: ...he system firmware update file When an update file is found the player s current software version and the version of the update file stored on the USB memory device are displayed Proceed to step 9 Press 2 HOME MENU to display the HOME MENU Press 3 to select Settings then press ENTER Press 4 to select Software Update then press ENTER Press 5 ENTER to move to the menu to the right Press 6 to select ...

Page 26: ...correct input Pages 9 and 10 Take out the disc and clean it Page 6 Make sure that region code on the disc matches that of this Player Page 4 There is no picture from the HDMI output Are the settings performed correctly Please check the settings Page 21 There is no picture from the component video output Are the settings performed correctly Please check the settings Page 21 Screen freezes and opera...

Page 27: ... the remote control of this Player Use such TVs away from this Player The Player heats up during use When using this Player the console cabinet may heat up depending on the usage environment This is not a malfunction Input of connected TV and AV system switches automatically When Settings Control is set to Yes on the player the input on the connected TV or AV system AV receiver or amplifier etc ma...

Page 28: ...format as a DVD video while discs created in VR Video Recording format allow the contents to be programed or edited DVD RW RW page 4 A DVD RW is a recordable and rewritable DVD The re recordable feature makes editing possible The DVD RW has two different formats VR format and Video format DVDs created in Video format have the same format as a DVD video while discs created in VR Video Recording for...


Page 30: ...ures de ventilation Installez l appareil en respectant les instructions du fabricant 7 N installez pas l appareil à proximité de sources de chaleur comme des radiateurs des chauffages des cuisinières ou 8 d autres appareils y compris les amplificateurs produisant de la chaleur Ne passez pas outre la caractéristique de sécurité de la fiche polarisée ou avec mise à la terre Une fiche polarisée 9 com...

Page 31: ...licence du logiciel 29 Les illustrations et affichages à l écran dans ce mode d emploi sont fournis à titre explicatif et peuvent être légèrement différents des opérations réelles ATTENTION L interrupteur STANDBY ON de cet appareil ne coupe pas complètement celui ci de sa prise secteur Comme le cordon d alimentation fait office de dispositif de déconnexion du secteur il devra être débranché au niv...

Page 32: ... Toutefois dans le cas de disques enregistrés avec un programme crypté pour un enregistrement unique la lecture n est possible qu à l aide d un dispositif compatible avec le CPRM AVCHD et le logo AVCHD sont des marques commerciales de Panasonic Corporation et de Sony Corporation DivX DivX Certified et les logos associés sont des marques commerciales de DivX Inc et sont utilisés sous licence Inform...

Page 33: hexagonaux etc ne peuvent pas être lus sur ce lecteur Le lecteur peut être endommagé par de tels disques N utilisez pas ces disques Disques non mentionnés ci dessus ne pouvant pas être lus CDG 1 CD Photos CD ROM CD TEXT 1 CD EXTRA 1 SACD PD CDV CVD SVCD DVD RAM DVD Audio HD DVD 1 Seul le son peut être lu Icônes imprimées sur les boîtiers des disques DVD vidéo 2 2 16 9 2 LB 2 1 3 5 4 6 1 English...

Page 34: ...X est un format vidéo numérique créé par DivX Inc Ceci est un appareil DivX Certified officiel qui lit la vidéo DivX Visitez le site www divx com pour plus d informations sur les outils logiciels permettant de convertir vos fichiers en vidéo DivX À propos de la lecture de fichiers MKV Les fichiers MKV peuvent être lus Le MKV est un format de fichier permettant à un seul fichier de contenir plusieu...

Page 35: ... 7 8 2 1 9 3D 5 V 0 5 A Introduction 7 Télécommande Pile de format AAA R03 2 Cordon d alimentation Câble vidéo audio Carte de garantie Mode d emploi ce manuel 1 STANDBY ON page 12 2 STOP page 14 3 PAUSE page 18 Capteur de signaux de la télécommande 4 page 12 Voyant PQLS page 14 5 Voyant Blu ray 6 S éclaire à la mise sous tension du lecteur Plateau de disque page 14 7 Voyant 3D page 22 8 9 OPEN CLO...

Page 36: ... téléviseurs compatibles avec la commande par l HDMI de verrouiller les touches sur le lecteur Appuyez plus de 2 secondes sur KEY LOCK Chaque fois que vous effectuez cette opération la fonction est activée ou désactivée Si vous tentez de mettre en marche le lecteur alors que les touches sont verrouillées HOLD s allumera sur l afficheur de la face avant pour indiquer que la fonction est activée REM...

Page 37: ...ion Audio et DTS HD Master Audio ressort par la prise HDMI en Bitstream Raccordez un amplificateur avec décodeur intégré pour bénéficier d une qualité sonore extra fine Sélection de la sortie vidéo prioritaire lors de liaisons HDMI et Vidéo composantes Lorsque vous raccordez à la fois un câble HDMI et un câble à composantes à ce lecteur vous devez sélectionner la sortie vidéo prioritaire dans Sett...

Page 38: ...MARQUE Raccordez le lecteur de disque Blu ray directement au téléviseur Lorsque vous enregistrez un programme protégé contre le piratage la protection contre la copie s active automatiquement et le programme ne peut pas être enregistré correctement De plus à cause de cette fonction l image sera déformée si le disque est lu via un magnétoscope Il ne s agit pas d une défaillance Pour regarder un pro...

Page 39: ...fourni aux prises 2 audio numériques optiques ou aux connecteurs audio et ou et Après le raccordement Insérez un disque et lancez la lecture Page 14 Vers le prise DIGITAL OUT OPTICAL Câble numérique optique en vente dans le commerce Vers la prise d entrée OPTICAL Amplificateur Lorsqu une sortie OPTICAL est utilisée la sortie numérique 5 1 canaux est disponible la sortie numérique 7 1 canaux n est ...

Page 40: ...ordon d alimentation à proximité AFIN DE RÉDUIRE LE RISQUE D ÉLECTROCUTION NE TOUCHEZ PAS LES PIÈCES NON ISOLÉES DES CÂBLES LORSQUE LE CORDON D ALIMENTATION EST BRANCHÉ Si vous prévoyez de ne pas utiliser le lecteur pendant une période prolongée veillez à retirer le cordon secteur de la prise secteur Portée approximative de la télécommande Capteur de signaux de la télécommande Télécommande 30º 30º...

Page 41: ...07 41 46 48 NOBLIKO 49 NOKIA 32 42 52 NORDMENDE 32 36 51 52 OCEANIC 31 32 42 ORION 32 07 39 40 OSAKI 41 46 48 OSO 41 OSUME 48 OTTO VERSAND 31 32 07 42 PALLADIUM 38 PANAMA 46 PANASONIC 31 07 08 42 22 PATHO CINEMA 42 PAUSA 44 PHILCO 32 42 PHILIPS 31 07 34 56 68 PHOENIX 32 PHONOLA 07 PROFEX 42 44 PROTECH 07 42 44 46 49 QUELLE 31 32 07 42 45 53 R LINE 07 RADIOLA 07 RADIOSHACK 10 23 21 02 RBM 53 RCA 01...

Page 42: tous les disques BD DVD etc avec sortie audio PCM linéaire La fonction PQLS Bitstream qui s active lors de la lecture d un signal audio bitstream Les différentes fonctions PQLS s activent lorsqu un amplificateur AV Pioneer prenant en charge les fonctions PQLS est raccordé directement à la prise HDMI OUT avec un câble HDMI et que l appareil est réglé comme indiqué ci dessous page 21 Commande par...

Page 43: ...t du téléchargement si un disque différent est chargé les données stockées sur la clé USB ne pourront pas être restituées Si une clé USB contenant d autres données enregistrées précédemment est utilisée il se peut que la vidéo et l audio ne soient pas lus correctement Si la clé USB est débranchée de ce lecteur pendant la lecture la lecture s arrêtera Ne débranchez pas la clé USB pendant la lecture...

Page 44: ...r le titre puis appuyez sur ENTER La lecture du titre sélectionné commence Appuyez sur 3 STOP pour arrêter la lecture Lecture de CD audio AUDIO CD Lecture depuis le début Insérez un CD audio 1 La page CD apparaît La page CD apparaît uniquement si le disque compact inséré est enregistré dans le format CD DA La lecture commence automatiquement avec certains disques 1 Track 01 5 16 2 Track 02 5 10 3 ...

Page 45: ...fonctions suivantes ne peuvent pas être utilisées pendant la lecture de fichier audio Recherche avant arrière rapide Fonction de répétition Commande des fonctions page 19 Sélection et lecture d un autre fichier audio pendant la lecture d un fichier audio Utilisez 1 pour sélectionner le fichier 1 5 16 2 5 10 3 5 23 4 5 03 5 4 44 6 5 08 00 00 11 3 12 3 L R 5 23 0 00 Music03 mp3 Select Enter Function...

Page 46: ...EPLAY est pressée pendant la lecture Lecture répétée d un titre ou d un chapitre Lecture en boucle Lisez le titre ou le chapitre que vous souhaitez 1 répéter Appuyez sur 2 REPEAT Appuyez sur 3 pour sélectionner le type de lecture répétée Playback Title Répète le titre en cours de lecture Playback Chapter Répète le chapitre en cours de lecture Scene Selection Répète la partie spécifiée d un titre o...

Page 47: ...sparaît automatiquement au bout de 5 secondes Réglages pendant la lecture Commande des fonctions Cette option permet d effectuer d un coup plusieurs réglages tels que les réglages de sous titres de son et d angle et la sélection du titre pour la Lecture directe La marche à suivre est la même pour les BD et les DVD Comment utiliser la commande des fonctions Appuyez sur 1 FUNCTION pendant la lecture...

Page 48: ...Menu Appuyez sur HOME MENU ou EXIT pour sortir de la page La première fois que le mot de passe est spécifié appuyez sur pour sélectionner Yes et accéder au menu de réglage du mot de passe puis appuyez sur ENTER Appuyez sur les touches numériques 0 à 9 pour saisir un nombre à 4 chiffres comme mot de passe puis saisissez une nouvelle fois ce nombre pour le confirmer Appuyez sur ENTER pour valider le...

Page 49: ...t Diminuez le niveau sonore avant le réglage Sinon les enceintes restitueront un son trop fort ou un signal excessif peut être envoyé aux enceintes Smart Settings Auto Power Off Avec ce réglage le lecteur s éteint automatiquement si la lecture s arrête 10 minutes environ Yes No Control Ce réglage permet de contrôler le lecteur depuis le Téléviseur à Écran Plat via le câble HDMI REMARQUE Pour le dé...

Page 50: ...ppuyez sur 5 pour sélectionner Change puis appuyez sur ENTER Current Ethernet setup info IP Address Auto Setup Netmask Auto Setup Gateway Auto Setup DNS Auto Setup Change Initialize Pour réinitialiser le réglage actuel sélectionnez Initialize puis appuyez sur ENTER Si Ethernet Setup Cable a été sélectionné à l étape 4 passez à l étape 10 Appuyez sur 6 pour sélectionner le point d accès puis appuye...

Page 51: ... Gauche Droite Complet Suppr Carac Les mêmes opérations qu avec ROUGE VERT BLEU JAUNE et RETURN peuvent être exécutées en sélectionnant chaque élément et appuyant sur ENTER Suppr Carac est l abréviation de Supprimer des caractères Sélectionné en appuyant sur Sélectionné en appuyant sur Répétez l étape 3 pour afficher tous les 4 caractères nombres souhaités dans le champ de saisie Exemple Écran de ...

Page 52: ...écharger le fichier de mise à jour ATTENTION Ne débranchez pas le câble LAN la clé adapteur LAN sans fil USB ou la clé USB ou ne débranchez pas le cordon d alimentation pendant le téléchargement du fichier ou la mise à jour du logiciel N effectuez pas d autres opérations pendant la mise à jour du logiciel Sachez aussi que la mise à jour ne peut pas être annulée lorsqu elle a démarré Si vous avez é...

Page 53: ...jour Vérifiez le fichier sur la clé USB puis rebranchez la clé USB correctement Software update file is not detected in the USB memory device Confirm that you have transferred the file to the USB memory device and retry software update Confirm that you have inserted the USB memory device into the correct device OK Appuyez sur 10 ENTER pour lancer la mise à jour Now updating Do not unplug AC cord U...

Page 54: ...iseur ou l ampli AV raccordé au lecteur est correcte Pages 9 à 10 Retirez le disque et nettoyez le Page 6 Assurez vous que le code régional sur le disque correspond à celui du lecteur Page 4 Il n y a pas d image sur la sortie HDMI Les réglages sont ils corrects Vérifiez les réglages Page 21 Il n y a pas d image sur la sortie vidéo à composantes Les réglages sont ils corrects Vérifiez les réglages ...

Page 55: ... de ce lecteur Le lecteur chauffe en cours d utilisation Quand le lecteur fonctionne le coffret peut chauffer selon les conditions d utilisation Il ne s agit pas d un dysfonctionnement L entrée du téléviseur et du système audiovisuel raccordé change automatiquement Lorsque Settings Control est réglé sur Yes sur le lecteur l entrée sur le téléviseur ou le système AV raccordé récepteur AV ou amplifi...

Page 56: ...onnées de la vidéo ce qui permet d obtenir des images de grande qualité Les informations audio sont enregistrées dans un format multicanaux comme le Dolby Digital et restituées de manière très réaliste Format entrelacé Le format entrelacé affiche une ligne sur deux de l image en un seul champ et c est le format ordinaire d affichage des images télévisées Le champ pair affiche les lignes paires d u...

Page 57: ...i sont les vôtres Quand nous parlons de logiciels libres nous parlons de liberté non de prix Nos licences publiques générales sont conçues pour vous donner l assurance d être libre de distribuer des copies des logiciels libres et de facturer ce service si vous le souhaitez de recevoir le code source ou de pouvoir l obtenir si vous le souhaitez de pouvoir modifier les logiciels ou en utiliser des é...

Page 58: ...outer au début de chaque fichier source pour véhiculer le plus efficacement possible l absence de toute garantie chaque fichier devrait aussi contenir au moins la ligne copyright et une indication de l endroit où se trouve l avis complet Une ligne donnant le nom du programme et une courte idée de ce qu il fait Copyright année nom de l auteur Ce programme est un logiciel libre vous pouvez le redist...

Page 59: ...ibliothèque Vous pouvez faire payer l acte physique de transmission d une copie et vous pouvez à votre discrétion proposer une garantie contre rémunération 2 Vous pouvez modifier votre copie ou des copies de la Bibliothèque ou n importe quelle partie de celui ci créant ainsi un ouvrage soit ou ne soit pas lié directement avec la Bibliothèque elle même 6 Par exception aux Sections ci dessus vous po...


Page 61: ...Annexe 33 ...

Page 62: ...r ejemplo radiadores salidas de aire caliente 8 estufas o otros aparatos incluyendo amplificadores que produzcan calor No anule la seguridad de la clavija polarizada ni la de la clavija con conexión a tierra Una clavija polarizada tiene dos 9 patillas una más ancha que la otra Una clavija con conexión a tierra tiene dos patillas y una espiga de conexión a tierra La patilla ancha y la espiga se pro...

Page 63: ...explicativa y pueden tener pequeñas diferencias con las operaciones reales PRECAUCIÓN El interruptor de la alimentación STANDBY ON de este aparato no corta por completo toda la alimentación de la toma de corriente de CA Puesto que el cable de alimentación hace las funciones de dispositivo de desconexión de la corriente para el aparato para desconectar toda la alimentación del aparato deberá desenc...

Page 64: ...grama encriptado de una sola grabación la reproducción sólo se podrá hacer usando un aparato compatible con CPRM AVCHD y el logotipo AVCHD son marcas de fábrica de Panasonic Corporation y Sony Corporation DivX DivX Certified y los logotipos asociados son marcas de fábrica de DivX Inc y se usan bajo licencia Aviso importante Acerca de los discos Tipos de discos que pueden usarse con este reproducto...

Page 65: ...n este reproductor Intentar reproducir tales discos puede dañar el reproductor No use tales discos Los discos que no sean los anteriores que no se pueden reproducir CDG 1 Photo CD CD ROM CD TEXT 1 CD EXTRA 1 SACD PD CDV CVD SVCD DVD RAM DVD Audio HD DVD 1 Sólo se puede reproducir el audio Iconos usados en las cajas de discos DVD Vídeo 2 2 16 9 2 LB 2 1 3 5 4 6 1 English 2 Chinese 1 English 2 Chine...

Page 66: ...DivX Visite www divx com para obtener más información y herramientas de software para convertir sus archivos a vídeo DivX Acerca de la reproducción de archivos MKV Los archivos MKV se pueden reproducir MKV es un formato de archivo que permite que múltiples archivos de audio y vídeo puedan guardarse en un solo archivo Los archivos que se pueden reproducir son los siguientes Resolución Hasta 1 280 7...

Page 67: ...2 Cable de CA Cable de vídeo audio Tarjeta de garantía Manual de instrucciones este manual 1 STANDBY ON página 12 2 STOP página 14 3 PAUSE página 18 Sensor de mando a distancia página 12 4 Indicador PQLS página 14 5 Indicador Blu ray 6 Se enciende cuando se conecta la alimentación Bandeja de disco página 14 7 Indicador 3D página 22 8 9 OPEN CLOSE página 14 Indicador FL OFF página 13 10 Puerto USB ...

Page 68: ...nga pulsado KEY LOCK durante más de 2 segundos Cada vez que realice esta operación la función se activará o desactivará Si intenta operar el reproductor mientras está activada la función de bloqueo de los botones HOLD se encenderá en el visualizador del panel frontal para indicar que la función de bloqueo de los botones está activada NOTA Este mando a distancia está equipado con dos botones ENTER ...

Page 69: ...High Resolution Audio y DTS HD Master Audio se le da salida desde el terminal HDMI como Bitstream Para disfrutar de esta magnífica calidad de sonido conecte un amplificador con un decodificador incorporado Selección de la salida de vídeo con prioridad cuando se conecta HDMI y vídeo componente Cuando conecta un cable HDMI y un cable de vídeo componente a este reproductor necesita seleccionar la sal...

Page 70: ...el reproductor de discos Blu ray y el televisor Cuando graba un programa protegido por copyright la función de protección contra copia se activa automáticamente el programa no se podrá grabar correctamente Además la imagen reproducida por una videograbadora puede deteriorarse debido a esta función Sin embargo esto no es una mal funcionamiento Cuando vea un programa con protección de copyright le r...

Page 71: ...cio o un cable AV suministrado a los 2 terminales de audio digital óptico o a las tomas de audio y o y Después de la conexión Cargue un disco y comience la reproducción Página 14 Al terminal DIGITAL OUT OPTICAL Cable digital óptico disponible en el comercio Al terminal de entrada OPTICAL Amplificador Cuando se usa la salida OPTICAL está disponible la salida digital 5 1 ch La salida digital 7 1 ch ...

Page 72: ...RA PREVENIR EL RIESGO DE DESCARGA ELÉCTRICA NO TOQUE LAS PARTES SIN AISLAMIENTO DE LOS CABLES MIENTRAS EL CABLE DE CA ESTÉ CONECTADO Si no va a utilizar este reproductor durante un largo periodo de tiempo asegúrese de desconectar el cable de CA de la toma de CA Alcance aproximado del funcionamiento del mando a distancia Sensor de mando a distancia Mando a distancia 30º 30º 7 m Al terminal AC IN A ...

Page 73: ...NIKKAI 05 07 41 46 48 NOBLIKO 49 NOKIA 32 42 52 NORDMENDE 32 36 51 52 OCEANIC 31 32 42 ORION 32 07 39 40 OSAKI 41 46 48 OSO 41 OSUME 48 OTTO VERSAND 31 32 07 42 PALLADIUM 38 PANAMA 46 PANASONIC 31 07 08 42 22 PATHO CINEMA 42 PAUSA 44 PHILCO 32 42 PHILIPS 31 07 34 56 68 PHOENIX 32 PHONOLA 07 PROFEX 42 44 PROTECH 07 42 44 46 49 QUELLE 31 32 07 42 45 53 R LINE 07 RADIOLA 07 RADIOSHACK 10 23 21 02 RBM...

Page 74: ...n PQLS Multi Surround que se activa cuando se reproducen todos los discos BD DVD etc con salida de audio PCM Lineal La función PQLS Bitstream que se activa cuando se reproduce con salida de audio bitstream Las diversas funciones PQLS se activan cuando un amplificador AV de Pioneer compatible con las funciones PQLS se conecta directamente al terminal HDMI OUT con un cable HDMI y los ajustes de la u...

Page 75: ...i se usa un dispositivo de memoria USB que contiene otros datos grabos previamente el vídeo y el audio puede que no se reproduzcan bien Si el dispositivo de memoria USB se desconecta de este reproductor durante la reproducción la reproducción del disco se detendrá No desconecte el dispositivo de memoria USB durante la reproducción Puede ser necesario algún tiempo para que se carguen los datos lect...

Page 76: ...ccionado comenzará Pulse 3 STOP para detener la reproducción Reproducción de Audio CD AUDIO CD Reproducción desde el principio Cargue un Audio CD 1 La pantalla CD se visualiza La pantalla CD sólo se visualiza cuando se introduce un disco compacto grabado en el formato CD DA La reproducción puede comenzar automáticamente dependiendo del disco 1 Track 01 5 16 2 Track 02 5 10 3 Track 03 5 23 4 Track ...

Page 77: ...TA Durante la reproducción de archivos de audio no se pueden usar las funciones siguientes Avance rápido retroceso rápido Función de repetición Control de función page 19 Selección y reproducción de un archivo de audio diferente durante la reproducción de un archivo de audio Use 1 para seleccionar el archivo 1 5 16 2 5 10 3 5 23 4 5 03 5 4 44 6 5 08 00 00 11 3 12 3 L R 5 23 0 00 Music03 mp3 Select...

Page 78: se pulsa REPLAY durante la reproducción Reproducción repetida parcial Reproducción repetida de una parte especificada AUDIO CD Pulse 1 REPEAT durante la reproducción Pulse 2 para seleccionar Scene Selection y luego pulse ENTER Se visualiza Set Start Point Set Start Point Playback Title Playback Chapter Scene Selection Pulse 3 ENTER en la escena en la que desea fijar el punto de inicio Se visual...

Page 79: ...undos Ajustes durante la reproducción Control de función De este modo podrá realizar varios ajustes a la vez como los ajustes de los subtítulos del audio y del ángulo y la selección del título para la reproducción directa Las operaciones son las mismas para BD y DVD Procedimiento operacional del control de funciones Pulse 1 FUNCTION durante la reproducción La pantalla de control de funciones se vi...

Page 80: ...figuraciones audiovisuales en las funciones usando el mando a distancia Quite el disco cuando haga estos ajustes Para realizar ajustes para este reproductor necesita que aparezca la OSD A continuación se da una explicación de las operaciones básicas del Menu Ejemplo Ajuste de Control Operación básica para los ajustes de la reproducción Ejemplo Ajuste de Parenral Control bajo Playback Setting Pulse...

Page 81: ...en de audio antes de ajustar Si no lo hace los altavoces podrán emitir un sonido alto o se puede aplicar una salida excesiva a los altavoces Smart Settings Auto Power Off Esto ajusta el reproductor de forma que la alimentación se apague automáticamente si se para la reproducción durante unos 10 minutos Yes No Control Esto ajusta el reproductor para que sea controlado desde el Televisor de Pantalla...

Page 82: ...manda Para generar el código de registro localice la sección de DivX VOD en el menú de configuración de su aparato Visite vod divx com con este código para completar el proceso de registro y aprender más sobre DivX VOD Para reproducir archivos DivX protegidos por derechos de autor conecte el terminal HDMI OUT al TV Cuando se seleccione HDMI desde el menú Video Out Select las señales de vídeo no sa...

Page 83: ...ección IP pueden introducirse en la pantalla usando los botones numéricos 0 a 9 o y ENTER del mando a distancia IP Address Netmask Gateway 123 Pulse 1 ENTER en los cuadros en los cuales se van a introducir caracteres y aparecerá la pantalla de entrada Numeric 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Edit Pulse 2 para seleccionar el modo de introducción deseado Pulse los botones numéricos 0 a 9 o 3 para seleccionar un ...

Page 84: ...actores alguna vez puede ser necesario descargar el archivo de actualización AVISO No desconecte el cable LAN la mochila LAN inalámbrica o el dispositivo de memoria USB ni desenchufe el cable de la alimentación mientras se descarga el archivo de actualización o se actualiza el software No haga ninguna otra operación mientras se actualiza el software Note también que la actualización no se puede ca...

Page 85: del sistema Cuando se encuentra un archivo de actualización la versión del software actual del reproductor y la versión del archivo de actualización guardado en el dispositivo de memoria USB se visualizan Vaya al paso 9 Pulse 2 HOME MENU para visualizar HOME MENU Pulse 3 para seleccionar Settings y luego pulse ENTER Pulse 4 para seleccionar Software Update y luego pulse ENTER Pulse 5 ENTER para...

Page 86: ... televisor o el receptor AV conectado esté ajustado a la entrada correcta Páginas 9 a 10 Extraiga el disco y límpielo Página 6 Asegúrese de que el código de región del disco coincida con el de este reproductor Página 4 No hay imagen de la salida HDMI Se han ejecutado correctamente los ajustes Verifique los ajustes Página 21 No hay imagen de la salida de vídeo componente Se han ejecutado correctame...

Page 87: ... televisores alejados de este reproductor El reproductor se cambian mientras se usa Cuando use este reproductor la caja de la consola puede calentarse dependiendo del entorno de uso Esto no es señal de mal funcionamiento La entrada del televisor y sistema AV conectados cambia automáticamente Cuando Settings Control se ajusta en Yes en el reproductor la entrada del televisor o sistema AV conectado ...

Page 88: ...aras y doble capa 17 GB El formato MPEG 2 fue adoptado para lograr compresión eficiente de datos de vídeo Es una tecnología de tasa variable que codifica los datos según el estado del vídeo para reproducir imágenes de alta calidad La información de audio se graba en un formato multicanal como Dolby Digital permitiendo una presencia de audio realista Escalado del DVD El escalado conversión ascenden...

Page 89: ...l Layer formato Video VR AVCHD Audio CD CD DA CD RW R CD DA formato de archivo MP3 JPEG Entrada Salida HDMI OUT Conector estándar de 19 contactos HDMI 5 V 250 mA COMPONENT VIDEO OUTPUT Nivel de salida Y 1 Vp p 75 ohmios PB PR 0 7 Vp p 75 ohmios Tomas Toma RCA VIDEO OUTPUT Nivel de salida 1 Vp p 75 ohmios Toma Toma RCA DIGITAL OUT OPTICAL Terminal Terminal óptico cuadrado AUDIO OUTPUT Nivel de sali...

Page 90: ...which is a work based on the Program the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of this License whose permissions for other licensees extend to the entire whole and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it Thus it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest your rights to work written entirely by you rather the intent is to exercise the right to control the d...

Page 91: ...tricted and output from such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the Library independent of the use of the Library in a tool for writing it Whether that is true depends on what the Library does and what the program that uses the Library does 1 You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library s complete source code as you receive it in any medium provided ...

Page 92: ...nge You can do so by permitting redistribution under these terms or alternatively under the terms of the ordinary General Public License To apply these terms attach the following notices to the library It is safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively convey the exclusion of warranty and each file should have at least the copyright line and a pointer to where the ful...

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Page 96: ...3202 Australia TEL 03 9586 6300 PIONEER ELECTRONICS DE MEXICO S A DE C V Blvd Manuel Avila Camacho 138 10 piso Col Lomas de Chapultepec Mexico D F 11000 TEL 55 9178 4270 K002_B2_En Printed in China Imprimé en Chine Register Your Product on http www pioneerelectronics com US http www pioneerelectronics ca Canada Download an electronic version of this manual from our website Enregistrez votre produi...
