CICLI PINARELLO S.R.L. | Viale della Repubblica, 12 - 31020 Villorba (TV) - Italia
C.F. - R.I. - P.IVA IT 05994100963 | tel. +39 0422 42 08 77 | fax +39 0422 42 18 16 |
ATTENTION! The following paragraphs refer to the cutting process of the steering tube, if you
don’t need to cut the steering tube, go straightly to the paragraph 12.7.
Install the number of spacers previously planned (see paragraph 9.4 or 10.3) between the
handlebar and the top cap. Slide the handlebar down the steerer tube, until it and the spacers
are firmly seated on the top cap. Slightly tighten the handlebar in order to keep all headset
components in place.
Mark a line on the steerer tube in correspondence with the top edge of the stem.
If you intend to leave the steerer tube longer above the stem (in order to maintain the
possibility to rise the handlebar at a later date), place the desired number of standard
aero spacers (not split) above the stem, as illustrated below, and mark a line just as
described along the top edge of the upper spacer.