CICLI PINARELLO S.R.L. | Viale della Repubblica, 12 - 31020 Villorba (TV) - Italia
C.F. - R.I. - P.IVA IT 05994100963 | tel. +39 0422 42 08 77 | fax +39 0422 42 18 16 |
Install the handlebar on the steering tube. The lower support surface of the handlebar
must be at X+2 cm away from the upper planar surface of the top cap. Where X is total
height of the spacers you are going to install (e.g. if you install 3 cm of spacer, you
must place the adapter at 5 cm away). This way you will have enough space to route
the cables and assemble the spacers. Refer to chapter “12. HEADSET ADJUSTING” for
more details about spacers.
Frame cable routing:
- Route the RD housing through the headset top cap, the compression ring and the
upper bearing using the left notch.
- Route the FD housing through the headset top cap, the compression ring and the
upper bearing using the right notch.
- Route the RD and FD housings through the down tube until the DT opening.
SUGGESTION: route the RD and FD housings with the wires inside. Once it has reached
the DT opening, retract the wires for the adjuster installation.
X+2 cm
[where X is the total height of the spacers]