2.5 Examine the stop plate for damage:
If the stop plate is damaged, deformed, broken, cracked or has loose attachment fittings, replace the stop
plate and/or the attachment fittings:
Stop plate (Pt.No. 532.20.12.118)
Bolt, NAS1954C2H (Pt.No. 932.35.16.702)
Lockwire, (standard) (Pt.No. P02-001).
2.6 Replace the damaged/broken shear plates as follows, refer to SRM 12-B-51-70-05-00A-663A-A:
For aircraft with hydraulic landing gear -
with new Wedge (shear plate) and new Rivet
For aircraft with electro mechanical landing gear -
with new Wedge (shear plate) and new Rivet .
2.7 Install the nose wheel, refer to AMM 12-B-32-40-02-00A-920A-A.
Inspection of the Secondary Load Path
3.1 Examine the components of the nose wheel steering mechanism as follows, refer to AMM 12-B-32-50-00-
Steering collar
Swivel joint
Steering spring strut
Torque tube
Connecting rod.
3.2 Examine the rudder bellcrank fitting (P/N 527.20.12.116) for damage.
3.3 If there is any deformation, displacement, cracks damaged bores or other damage:
Replace or repair the affected part, refer to the CMM or contact Pilatus Aircraft Ltd.
The tests given here in Step 4 must be completed, to do the tests the aircraft must be raised on jacks. If you
are unable to raise the aircraft on jacks, the aircraft can be flown (ferry flight) to a maintenance facility were
these tests can be completed. It must be flown with the landing gear extended and locked in the extended
position. Before the ferry flight, the procedures given in Step 2 and Step 3 must be completed and any
problems corrected.
4.1 Lift the aircraft on jacks, refer to AMM 12-B-07-10-00-00A-901A-A.
4.2 Do the NLG steering adjustment, refer to AMM 12-B-32-50-00-00A-903A-A.
4.4 Do the rudder steering adjustment, refer to AMM 12-B-27-20-00-00A-903A-A.
Close Up
5.1 Lower the aircraft off jacks, refer to AMM 12-B-07-10-00-00A-901A-A.
5.2 Remove all the equipment, tools and materials from the work area. Make sure that the work area is clean.
PC-12/47E AMM Doc No 02300, ISSUE 01 REVISION 27 MSN 545, 1001-1719, 1721-1942
Effectivity: All
08.07.2021 Page 4