This data module describes the recommended Scheduled / Unscheduled Maintenance Program for the PC-12/47E
The current PC-12 maintenance policy (100 Hour and Annual Inspection Program as well a Progressive Inspection
Program (PIP)) is superseded by a revised maintenance program issued with Revision 19 of the AMM. This new
program increases the inspection interval and allows greater flexibility in scheduling maintenance to reduce the
number of inspections.
Chapter 5 contains a new Master Maintenance Plan (MMP), a revised Time Limited Inspection Requirements data
module and a number of inspection packages with defined intervals based on a combination of fight hours, number
of landings and/or calendar time.
It is the responsibility of the owner or operator to make sure the times are monitored correctly.
For the engine scheduled maintenance tasks, refer to P&WC Engine Maintenance Manual (EMM).
How to Transition to the New Maintenance Program
100 Hour and Annual Inspection Program
If you are on the 100 Hour and Annual Inspection Program, you must complete an Annual Inspection in accordance
with the AMM (at Revision 18) before you use the new maintenance program with the extended inspection
Progressive Inspection Program
If you are on the PIP you need to complete the inspection program cycle (Phase 1 to 6) given in the AMM (at
Revision 18) as scheduled before you use the new maintenance program with the extended inspection intervals.
Alternatively, at the next scheduled inspection, complete the outstanding inspection phases.
New Maintenance Program With Increased Interval Extension
The new maintenance program has these sections:
Time Limits
Scheduled Maintenance Check Lists
Scheduled Maintenance Check
Unscheduled Maintenance Check.
Time Limits
This section consists of a list of time limited inspection requirements. These tasks do not fit in one of the predefined
scheduled inspection packages. Refer to 12-B-05-10-00-00A-018A-A.
There is no change to the Overhaul and Replacement Schedule and, the Supplemental Inspection Program.
PC-12/47E AMM Doc No 02300, ISSUE 01 REVISION 27 MSN 545, 1001-1719, 1721-1942
Effectivity: All
19.11.2019 Page 2