PicoPhone series – loudspeaking phones
External microphone.
5 Programming
The PicoPhone series may be programmed in different ways.
Programming – plain:
Save and edit telephone numbers in telephone book.
Programming – advanced:
Adjustments intended to be performed by a technician.
Programming – IR-training:
Copy and “learn” foreign IR-signals.
Programming – default/recycling:
Restore default settings.
Observe that:
When installing a device you should as a first job enter advanced programming mode and
record speech to the auditive feedback (point 31 in the list). This should be done because
this feedback will be a very good help in programming mode.
In programming mode the device will not respond on door bell or telephone call.
The device will leave programming mode if no keys are pressed within 60 seconds.
If auditive feedback is needed in ordinary use, it has to be enabled (point 4 in the list).
Specific for plain and advanced programming mode:
PicoPhone series leaves programming mode if any keys on device are pressed.
The “D” key can be pressed everywhere in the programming mode. When a “D” is
pressed at the end of a programming sequence it means “store value”. If “D” is pressed in
the middle of a sequence the sequence can start from the beginning again, without storing
any values.
The “E” key can be pressed everywhere in the programming mode to leave the mode.
Invalid keystrokes will be indicated with the auditive feedback “
”, and the sequence
is ready to start from the beginning. This is one situation where it is important to have
done the auditive feedback recordings in point 31 in advanced programming mode.
5.1 Getting started
When installing a device you should as a first job enter advanced programming mode and
record speech to the auditive feedback (point 31 in the list). This should be done because
this feedback will be a very good help in programming mode.
First of all; decide which type of programming mode should be entered.
Enter programming mode as described in the actual chapter.
An IR-remote controller has to be present to perform plain and advanced programming.
As a default value, the device responds to IR-format New Assistant user code 5 (NA5).
If no remote controller with NA5 is present, an other remote controller can be used. In this
situation the device has to learn the IR-signals. Execute the IR-training process in chapter
5.4 first.
5.2 Programming
– user mode: store phone numbers
In this mode it is possible to store, edit and delete telephone numbers in the telephone book.
Auditive feedback is indicated with
To enter this mode do as the following text says:
Press “0 – F – 0” on remote controller when device is in standby mode.
When entering programming mode, it will be indicated by a slow flashing light indicator
for the automatic answering function.