phyCORE-MPC565 QuickStart Instructions
Connect the DB-25 connector of the Development Board (P1) to
the LPT1 port of your host-PC using the included DB-25 cable.
This connection is used for the communication of the Freescale
CodeWarrior IDE with the phyCORE-MPC565.
Be sure that your printer port is configured for EPP or SPP mode. This
setting is typically done in the BIOS setup of the host-PC.
Connect the upper socket P1B of the double DB-9 connector on the
Development Board to a free serial port of your host-PC using the
included serial cable. This will enable you to monitor board-host
communication via a terminal emulation program, such as
Windows HyperTerminal.
Using the included 5VDC power adapter, connect the power socket
on the board (X6) to a power supply (
refer to
Figure 4
for the
). The phyCORE module/Development Board
combination requires a [email protected] ±3% regulated supply.
+5 VDC
1000 mA
Center Hole
1.3 mm
3.5 mm
Figure 4:
Power Connector
The LEDs D1, D2 and D3 (three green LEDs) should light, indicating
that all voltages are supplied to the board. Also D10 (red LED) is
illuminating which indicates that the MPC565 processor is waiting in
debug mode.
The phyCORE-MPC565 should now be properly connected via the
Development Board to a host-PC and power supply and you are now
ready to use the Freescale CodeWarrior tool chain to establish
communication. This phyCORE/Development Board combination
shall also be referred to as "target hardware".
© PHYTEC Meßtechnik GmbH 2009 L-647e_2