Introduction to the phyCORE-MPC565
© PHYTEC Meßtechnik GmbH 2009 L-647e_2
CodeWarrior Debugger
provides C/C++ source-level, as-
sembly-level and mixed mode debugging. For code exploration, ab-
solute or conditional breakpoints can be accessed or single-step
operation can be performed. Step-over, step-into and step-out of code
function capabilities are provided. The contents of variables, arrays
and structures can be monitored and manually modified.
The Freescale CodeWarrior Debugger supports the following debug
options of the phyCORE-MPC565 target.
A hardware-level debugging option is provided via a PC-to-target
connection using the MPC565 BDM-port (Background Debug
Mode), a hardware debugger module integrated on the processor.
The parallel printer port of the host-PC communicates to the
phyCORE via a BDM interface, such as the Macraigor Wiggler or
the BDM signal conversion logic integrated on the PHYTEC
Development Board. Furthermore for extensive software
development, more sophisticated BDM interfaces are available for
increase download speed.
A connection via RS-232 to a software debug Monitor kernel
(MetroTRK, SDS Monitor) resident in the external or internal
Flash on the phyCORE. The phyCORE-MPC565 is delivered
without the MetroTRK monitor kernel resident in the Flash. It can
be programmed via BDM connection to the desired Flash memory.