For your safety
NOTE: Risk of unauthorized network access
Connecting devices to a network via Ethernet always entails the risk of unauthorized ac-
cess to the network.
Therefore, please check your application for the option of deactivating active communi-
cation channels (for instance SNMP, FTP, BootP, DCP, etc.), or setting passwords to pre-
vent third parties from accessing the controller without authorization and modifying the
Because of the controller's communication interfaces, we advise against using the con-
troller in safety-critical applications without additional security appliances.
Please take additional protective measures in accordance with the IT security require-
ments and the standards applicable to your application (e.g. virtual networks (VPN) for re-
mote maintenance access, firewalls, etc.) for protection against unauthorized network
On first request, you agree to release Phoenix Contact and the companies associated
with Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co. KG, Flachsmarktstraße 8, 32825 Blomberg in accor-
dance with §§ 15 ff. AktG or the German Stock Corporation Act (hereinafter collectively
referred to as “Phoenix Contact”) from all third-party claims that are made due to improper
For the protection of networks for remote maintenance via VPN, Phoenix Contact offers
the mGuard product range as security appliances, which you can find described in the lat-
Additional measures for protection against unauthorized network access are listed in the
AH EN INDUSTRIAL SECURITY application note. The application note is available for
downloading at
NOTE: Electrostatic discharge!
The device contains components that can be damaged or destroyed by electrostatic dis-
charge. When handling the device, observe the necessary safety precautions against
electrostatic discharge (ESD) in accordance with EN 61340-5-1 and IEC 61340-5-1.
NOTE: Device failure
The device is designed to be powered by an external 24 V DC voltage supply. The per-
missible voltage range is from 19.2 V DC to 30 V DC (ripple included). If the voltage ex-
ceeds or falls below the permitted voltage range, this may lead to device failure.
Ensure that the voltage is kept within the permitted range.
NOTE: Electrical damage due to inadequate external protection – No safe fuse
tripping in the event of an error
The electronics in the device will be damaged due to inadequate external protection.
Protect the supply voltage externally in accordance with the connected load (number
of Axioline F devices / amount of logic current consumption for each device).
Ensure the external fuse trips reliably in the event of an error.
NOTE: Device damage due to polarity reversal
Polarity reversal puts a strain on the electronics and can damage the device.
To protect the device, avoid reversing the poles of the 24 V supply.