Page 8
Install your propeller onto the motor.
steP 3: iNstaLLiNG tHe Battery
steP 4: iNstaLLiNG tHe COWLiNG aNd PrOPeLLer
Cut out the bottom of the cowling to access the battery, using the blue
painted edges as a guide.
Slide the cowling onto the fuselage and double-check that it lines up at
both the top and the sides. The cutout in the front of the cowling should
be centred around the motor shaft, too.
Use a couple of pieces of clear tape (not included) to secure the cowling
into place.
Double-check that you can remove and install the battery easily through
the bottom of the cowling. Adjust the cutout in the bottom of the cowling,
if necessary.
This completes assembly. Please refer to the next page for information on balancing,
control throws, exponential and motor thrust settings.
Mount the battery to the bottom of the battery mount, using a piece of
Velcro (hook and loop material - not included).
For better hovering ability, install the battery under the canopy.
Please note that this will move the C/G back and the aircraft will become
less stable.