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Mark the four locations for the elevator hinges onto the elevator.
Cut four hinge slots into the leading edge of the elevator, then glue the
hinges into place, using the same techniques that you used to cut the
hinge slots and glue the hinges into the ailerons.
Allow the epoxy to cure before proceeding.
steP 3: HiNGiNG tHe rudder
Sand a 45º bevel into the right and left side of the leading edge of the
rudder, making sure that the bevels line up along the centreline.
Cut three hinge slots into the leading edge of the rudder, then glue the
hinges into place, using the same techniques that you used to cut the
hinge slots and glue the hinges into the ailerons and the elevator.
Allow the epoxy to cure before proceeding.
Cut the corresponding hinge slots into the back of the fuselage, then hinge
the rudder to the fuselage, using the same techniques that you used to
hinge the elevator to the stabiliser.
Remember, once the epoxy has cured, pivot the rudder right and left
several times to ensure free hinge movement.
Cut the corresponding hinge slots into the trailing edge of the stabiliser,
then hinge the elevator to the stabiliser, using the same techniques that
you used to hinge the ailerons to the wing.
Remember, once the epoxy has cured, pivot the elevator up and down
several times to ensure free hinge movement.