Getting Started with Follow Me
Follow Me is easy to use, so let’s see just what you need to know
to get going.
Understanding Follow Me Groups
Each Follow Me group can have a couple of different types of
participants. Everyone who will be tracked or who needs to view
the tracking information must be a part of the group or be invited to
be an observer—this protects your privacy because anyone else
will not be able to track the group members.
Group Supervisor
Every Follow Me group has one person who is designated as the
supervisor. Usually this is the person who sets up the group, but it
can be someone else if the existing supervisor wishes to assign
the group to another member.
The supervisor has the ability to both add members and invite
buddies. The supervisor can also remove members and his or her
own buddies from the group. The supervisor can also track the
location of members.
Group Members
Group members are people whose location can be tracked. Group
members can view the tracking information for other group
You can have up to five members in a Follow Me group. The
supervisor is also a member, so this means you can track the
location of four regular members in addition to the supervisor. If
you are on someone’s buddy list, you can track them, too.
Observers do not belong to any group. They have the least
privileges. They can not send their GPS locations to the Follow Me
server and thus can not be tracked by anyone. As an observer the
only thing you can do is to view other people’s locations on the
web portal - once you become their buddy. To become someone’s