Poisoning risk in case of process gas leakage
When connecting/disconnecting components to/from the pumping line (pump, pipework, valves, etc.)
for maintenance, the leaktightness of the installation is broken, potentially causing hazardous process
gas leakage.
► Always protect the inlet and exhaust surfaces during dismantling.
► Perform a leak test on the pumping line after reassembly.
Risk of damaging the pump by generating an electric arc
The pump and its electronic drive unit must not be disconnected from the electrical network before
the rotor completely stops rotating and the unit is isolated from the electrical network: an electric arc
is created when the circuit is interrupted, which damages internal components.
1. Stop the pump from rotating by sending a
order on the control interface.
2. Wait for the rotor to completely stop rotating (several minutes).
3. Switch off customer power supply from the equipment.
4. Unplug the mains cable.
General maintenance recommendations
● Ensure that the maintenance technician is trained in the safety regulations that cover the pumped
● Disconnect the mains cable from all sources of power before working on the product.
● Wait 5 minutes after powering off before working on the electrical components.
● Wait for the product to cool down completely before working on it.
● Pressurized circuits – nitrogen and water – pose potential energy risks: always lock out these cir-
cuits using the LO/TO (Lock Out/Tag Out) procedure before working on the product.
● Route and secure cables, hoses and pipework to guard against falls.
● Collect the residues from the processes and call in a competent organization to dispose of them.
● Always protect the inlet and exhaust flange surfaces.
9.2 Maintenance frequency
By design, the pump does not include parts liable to wear and does not need preventive maintenance.
the landing bearings
used to protect the pump against accidental air in-rushes, accidental
shocks or power failure have to be changed when indicated by the electronic drive unit: the percentage
of landing time to be deducted depends on the number and type of incidents.
The warning threshold informing the operator of the need for landing bearing maintenance is configured
via the control mode which controls the pump (HHR, serial link or fieldbus). A counter displays the bear-
ing wear level when landing bearing maintenance should be performed.
Landing bearings
Landing bearings are designed to withstand many accidental landings of the rotor at full speed. The
wear of landing bearings is monitored by the electronic drive unit, based on the rotation speed and land-
ing duration. The initial percentage is set at 100%. When this value reaches the warning threshold, a
warning is triggered: the landing bearings must be replaced. If other landings occur, the counter contin-
ues to decrease to 0%.
Theses landing bearings must be replaced by a Pfeiffer Vacuum service
Rotor of the pump
The life of the pump rotor changes with the operating conditions and applications. To ensure the best
after 5 years of operation, check the condition of the rotor
. Consult us.
How to contact us
Product overhauls must be carried out by personnel with manufacturer training. Contact our
nearest service center at the following e-mail address:
Pfeiffer Vacuum Service Support