This machine is constructed in accordance with the European regulations indicated in the
conformity and manufacturer’s declarations.
In addition to this instruction manual, please also observe all generally accepted, statutory
and other legal requirements, including those of the user’s country, and the applicable pollu-
tion control regulations! The valid regulations of the regional social insurance society for oc-
cupational accidents or other supervisory authorities are to be strictly adhered to!
General notes on safety
The machine may only be operated by adequately trained operators and only after these
have read the appropriate Instruction Manual!
The danger and safety instructions attached to the machine must be followed!
The machine may only be used for the purpose intended and may not be operated wit-
hout its safety devices. All relevant safety regulations must be adhered to.
When changing the anvil wheel, when leaving the machine unattended or during mainte-
nance work, the machine must be disconnected from the power supply by operating the
main switch or by pulling out the plug!
The daily maintenance work may only be carried out by appropriately trained personnel!
Repair work and special maintenance work many only be carried out by specialists or ap-
propriately trained personnel.
Work on electrical equipment may only be carried out by appropriately trained personnel!
Work is not permitted on parts and equipment which are connected to the power supply!
Exceptions to this rule are found in the regulations EN
Modifications and alterations to the machine may only be carried out under observance
of all the relevant safety operations!
Only spare parts which have been approved by us are to be used for repairs! We draw
special attention to the fact that spare parts and accessories not supplied by us have not
been subjected to testing nor approval by us. Fitting and/or use of any such parts may
cause negative changes to the design characteristics of the machine. We shall not accept
any liability for damage caused by the use of non-original parts.