Entering the sealing power or the sealing amplitude
Depending on the presetting of the machine, either the value for the sealing power or the va-
lue for the sealing amplitude is altered, see Chapter
11.03 Further settings
. During the input
a difference must also be made between manual and dynamic sealing. In the case of manu-
al sealing, a value is fixed for the sealing power or sealing amplitude, in the case of dynamic
sealing a range is fixed for sealing power and sealing amplitude.
Entering the values in manual sealing
Alter the value for sealing power/amplitude directly.
Call up the number block for entering the sealing power/amplitude.
Enter the desired value for sealing power/amplitude on the number block.
Conclude the input, permissible values will be taken over.
Power sealing (standard)
Amplitude sealing
Power sealing (standard)
Amplitude sealing