(Table 11, contd)
Troubleshooting Test Steps
9. Inspection of the Coolant Pump
A. Inspect the impeller of the coolant pump for damage and/or
Coolant pump
The coolant pump is damaged or not operating
If necessary, replace the coolant pump. Refer to Disas-
sembly and Assembly, “Water Pump - Remove” and Disas-
sembly and Assembly, “Water Pump - Install”.
The coolant pump is not damaged and the pump is
operating correctly.
Proceed to Test Step 10.
10. Cylinder Head Gasket
Switch off the engine and allow the engine to cool to below normal
working temperature. Remove the pressure cap for the coolant sys-
tem. Start the engine and inspect the coolant for the presence of
bubbles or discoloration of the coolant.
If bubbles are present in the coolant or the coolant is discol-
ored, combustion gases may be entering the cooling system.
Cylinder Head
Bubbles are present in the coolant or the coolant
is discolored.
Check the cylinder head gasket. Refer to the recom-
mended action for the cylinder head gasket within Trouble-
shooting, “Oil Contains Coolant”.
Check the cylinder head for flatness. Refer to the recom-
mended action for checking flatness of the cylinder head
within Systems Operation, Testing, and Adjusting, “Cylin-
der Head - Inspect”.
There is no evidence of gas leakage into the cool-
ing system.
Contact the Dealer Solution Network (DSN).
Crankcase Breather Ejects Oil
The crankcase breather includes a pressure relief
valve that prevents a build-up of excessive pressure
in the breather system.
Illustration 17
(1) Crankcase pressure relief valve
In normal operation of the engine, the pressure relief
valve remains closed. If there is evidence of oil
staining around pressure relief valve (1), perform the
following procedure in order to diagnose the fault.
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