• The engine will default to limp home mode.
• If the engine speed is higher than the speed in limp
home mode, the engine will decelerate to limp
home mode.
• If the engine speed is lower than the speed in limp
home mode, the engine speed will remain at the
current speed.
• The engine will remain at this speed while the
diagnostic code remains active.
• All inputs from the faulty throttle are ignored by the
ECM until the fault is repaired.
• All inputs from the repaired throttle will be ignored
by the ECM until the keyswitch has been cycled.
The IVS may be installed. The IVS is required for
mobile applications. The IVS is part of the throttle
position sensor. The IVS is CLOSED when the low
idle is set.
The configuration parameters for the throttle and for
the IVS thresholds are programmed into the ECM.
Use the electronic service tool in order to display the
configuration parameters for the throttle and for the
If the IVS operates outside of the programmed range,
then the engine speed may not respond to changes in
the throttle position.
The electronic service tool may be used for the
• If necessary, reset the IVS threshold for an existing
• If necessary, view the IVS change point and reset
the IVS thresholds when a new throttle assembly
is installed.
This document has been printed from SPI2. NOT FOR RESALE